Tomorrow, assuming I don't fall off my ego, bike or high heels, should see the posting of part 1250 and we can then have a whole pile of new statistics from PS, about how many million words and so on, which I find fascinating if a little daunting.
I've thought about how I'd feel about starting from scratch either with the archive collections or via the greasy pole of the full postings. Then I remembered how I felt when I started reading Tuck, in the days when Ellen posted occasionally. I had about a hundred episodes to read and felt quite gratified that there were always some more there - until one day I caught up and felt a little bereft.
I have read all the Bike episodes a couple of times and didn't die, so it must be less boring than I thought. In fact one or two were quite good and I'd forgotten some of the meanders that have happened, so I read with interest almost forgetting I'd actually written it, and it certainly drew me in, made me smile and occasionally moistened up an eyeball.
They say we write for ourselves, maybe we do but I like to think I also give pleasure to a core of readers who follow some of my stories. For those who are surprised that this silly tale has continued beyond 1.5 million words spare a thought for me, I am astonished that I'm still churning it out with almost as much ease as I started it. One day the characters will stop performing for me, but until then I'll keep reporting their antics as I see them unfold in my head. I hope some of you will keep reading.
Thanks as always to the long suffering Erin and her team of pixies, and to my loyal band of readers who inspire me to continue boring the rest of them to tears.

Thanks Angharad
Reading Bike is as much a part of my daily routine as meals, I'd be lost without it
I almost have to agree with Cristine, it has become almost a daily! Richard
Disgruntled of Tunbridge Wells ...
... agrees with you! Having read the entire Dormeese saga within one week (is this a record?) I am now vaguely feeling bereft. Thank you ever so much for what you have done - so far! I look forward to every new episode. And btw, it was Ellen and Tuck who turned me on to finding stories such as these. Although 'true' Tuck appears to have stalled nowadays, so much so that I have gone entirely off it! But I am here today to sing Angharad's praises. And to thank her. Love, Diana. (BTW, I chose my login name from a phrase from 'A Fish Called Wanda'!) Maybe I should actually break my writer's virginity with a fanfic of that. *Wanders away wondering about plot development .....*
That is certainly ...
... above and well beyond the call of duty :) I've mostly kept up my reading in step with Ang's posts but when we've been away for a few weeks it seemed quite daunting (but enjoyable) to catch up. What it must be like to read the whole 1200 plus episodes one after the other I can't imagine.
Reading 'Bike' in the evening (or early morning) just before trundling up to my pit is as good as a mug of steaming Horlicks and rounds the day of nicely. I know Ang is often writing with her tongue stuck very firmly in her cheek and I frequently find myself laughing out loud when really I shouldn't. And before her ladyship gets all irate that isn't intended ironically ... honest.
and so to bed ;)
Bike 1250
A big thank you Angharad, Bonzi and Izzy.
Like others, Bike has become part of the fabric of my life.
The word count is currently a little over 1.7 million by my reckoning, plus of course tomorrow's 1,300 words or so that are amazingly produced and permuted on a daily basis.
Profound Stamina
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Boring? Hardly!
I really enjoy this story, and I look forward to each new episode! As you may remember, I recently finished catching up to you, and I'm rereading the story, with an eye towards seeing things I may have missed ther relevance of the first time. This story is a lot of fun, and I look forward to much more of that fun in the future!
I used to read "Dear Abby" every day.
Well, Abby is long gone now, so now I read about Cathy every day. She has grown into quite the young woman.
Thank you.
Because of the time
Because of the time difference between the UK and Kentucky, I have to wait each day 'Sob' :( for my daily fix of "Bike". Boring us to tears? NO WAY. Thank you Angahrad for all that you do give us.
I'm so glad...
I'm so glad to hear you're still deriving pleasure out of describing the antics of your characters. And, even happier to hear you've even enjoyed reading them yourself.
As many have said, and I'll echo. The stories are well put together, thoughtful and thought provoking, and most of the time fun.
Thank you, and keep up the good work - as long as you continue to enjoy it.
P.S. I also recall Tuck - that way, and several other stories as well (Like the ones about that young teen cyclist who gets into so much trouble - the main stories and all the fan-fic.).
This Story Is Anything But Boring
This story has been anything but boring and can say that I have looked forward to each episode with anticipation. Thank you so much for bringing these wonderful characters to life. The depth of each character is a reflection of the one who created them. Absolutely topnotch! We will be here eagerly tuned in for as long as there is a story to be told.
I read the first 890 chapters as one but now look forward to my daily 'Fix' which comes up "Down Under",on the east coast
just after 9am: most days, so it is a marvellous start to the day.The characters are all well drawn and it is a joy to read.
And Anga,I just love your sense of humour,only the Brits can do it the way you do.
It's lovely
to be such an integral part of so many people's lives providing Cathy and co aren't taken for granted, one day she may just want to lead an ordinary life and not share her adventures with us - but hopefully not just yet.
Thank You
I would just like to add another thank you for your continuing this lovely tale. The events that have transpired have brought me laughter, tears, knowledge and self-recognition from the characters and their stories.
Now, if only the Guardian could be persuaded to add the daily episodes to their website, many more would soon be as hooked as I am
Thanks again Angharad
Anne G.