Somewhere Else Entirely

I got the idea for this while hanging around waiting for my partner to wake up from her heart op, so a good while ago. At that time I had stopped writing, knowing that I simply wouldn't have time to do any. I was also in the middle of Tropical Twist and I knew I had to finish that first.

I know some people can run two or more stories at a time, but I'm not one of them. Never mind the confusion in reader's heads, I think my own would explode! I would also worry excessively about characters and situations from one plotline leaking into another. Nevertheless, in my head or in summary form are a number of other tales, most as different from one another as chalk and cheese (that's not saying a great deal about cheese, btw). So, they are going to come out, one after the other, like from a sausage machine. I'm sorry, but that just means you'll have to put up with me for a longer period of time :)

I'm still developing this story. My muse keeps giving me curveball ideas and while I know how the story is going to end, the middle is still a complete mystery to me at the moment. As it's Christmas I will post approximately weekly but don't expect that schedule to be maintained into the New Year. As is always true on a site like this, Best Efforts Only. I'll try.

I haven't completely forgotten The State does not make mistakes. The problem is, if I just wrote that I'd never write anything else, and while it has turned out to be a fascinating place, my muse has threatened me with violence if I didn't post some of the other things she's foisted on me. I promise that I'll do some in the New Year.


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