What happened to Wendy Pilgrim?

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Came by to look for the latest chapter of Wendy Pilgrim by Nancy Cole and all of Nancy's stuff is deleted again. Did someone leave a comment better left unsaid? I am disappointed that another author has left. I really wanted to find out who the Colonel was and how the story turned out.

I don't comment very often because I have a hard time putting thoughts into words and don't like just saying great story. The Kudos button is a good idea.

I still look forward to stories by several authors. Some I wait until they finish the series then read the whole thing. I buy a whole series of books before I read them also.

I don't really expect an answer but this is just my 2 cents.


Wondering the Same Thing

terrynaut's picture

I had saved chapter 3 of the story and read it, but when I went to comment on it, it had disappeared.

I sent the author a private message asking her about it but she never got back to me. I have no idea what's going on. I just hope that it comes back some day.

- Terry


I don't recall anyone saying anything in open forum criticising Nancy or her character - but either she's accidentally clicked the wrong button, or someone's annoyed Nancy enough for her to pull everything (including blogs) from the site apart from "Three Girls" (co-authored with Maggie and Persephone).

Hopefully at some point she'll write a blog explaining all...


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Still Here

Like they say in the Polish national anthem, I'm still here.

Comments about a story posted here on TS/B that are viewed as being ‘Unfriendly’ are discouraged. Those who express their feelings in a manner that is deemed to be unfriendly have their comments stricken and are banned from posting on TS/BC.

Not that I can blame Erin and her helpers. In the past I have been the recipient of some pretty vile stuff. This includes public comments and PMs in which I was accused of being a racist and any number of things by readers here who have no idea of what I have done while working for the TG community in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, or more recently assisting inner city TG groups, homes teenage TGs, etc.

Since TS/BC adheres to Orwell’s theory that some pigs are more equal than others, I have decided to save Erin the trouble of striking my comment this time around as well as preventing what is known as a flame war by not commenting. Hopefully that will keep me from being banned from this site.

I am sure the loyal readers who have followed my stories in the past and the handful of fans who took the time to comment on my stories will find more than enough here to satisfy them, such as the wit and wisdom of great writers such as Somer Knight.

Nancy Cole


~ ~ ~

"You may be what you resolve to be."

T.J. Jackson

"This turns out not to be the case."

erin's picture

BC's neutrality about stories seems to annoy you, that's what it looks like to me.

There's really no point in you pulling your stories then coming back to insult and deride me. You don't like the policies here, as you say, you can post things elsewhere.

What you can't do without being called on it is use my forum to insult me. Apparently, you are trying to get me to ban you.

You've crossed the line here by actually naming someone as the target of your bile, another author. But I'm leaving this up for awhile so people can see what it is that got your panties in a twist. You refer to George Orwell above but this situation is because you want to be able to attack someone for writing satire and you know that I won't let you do that.

Not because I like the satire or support it but because I protect writers and I protect the writers of all stories posted here. You don't like that because it is you who believes that some things should be protected and some not. You want freedom, the freedom to blast someone with your righteous anger for being funny about one of your sacred sows.

You're a good writer, a fine one in fact. But you need to get over the idea that other people are less entitled to post stories and make comments than you are.

I'm probably making a mistake by leaving this up. It's likely to start a flame war. But I don't want to give you what you seem to want just yet. I'm going to leave your post here up long enough that people can see it and my response.

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


As others have said, you are a fine storyteller.
You do occasionally state controversial viewpoints in the comments sections, which unfortunately do lead to antagonistic behaviour.

As Erin regularly reminds everyone, "Think twice before posting." If something riles you enough to consider making an antagonistic comment, go grab a drink, go for a walk, or read another story first. Let yourself calm down. Alternatively, if you're reading something which starts to anger you, stop reading and press the Back button. Find something less likely to make your blood boil.

You are a fine writer, but pulling all your stories on a whim isn't the best way to make friends and influence people. At the very least, try cross-posting your stories to other sites (maybe even ones that don't allow comments), so there's a backup copy your readers can access if you can't resist pressing the Delete button.

We'd be sorry to see you go, but it has to be said, "If you can't stand the heat..."


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

If you no longer wish ...

... to post here, that is of course your right as an author. But as a selfish wench, I respectfully request that you post your work SOMEWHERE, because I love it and will miss it, very much.

Thank you very much for the enjoyment your writing has given me in the past. I optimistically look forward to seeing more of it in the future. (After all, a girl can dream, can't she? *grin*)



No question your stories will be missed. Fine storytellers are a treasure. Though I do not know about anybody else's commenting ( I have no idea what you did to bring up this issue, as an example ), nor do I care, I really suggest a agree to disagree attitude about comments. I usually give myself maybe 2, at most 3 points and counter-points with another commenter on a topic before just letting it go. Life's too short. There are some people who are like a dog with a bone about their position and well sometimes it just won't work out.

There are a lot of stories here that I do not like and I just do not comment on them if they are not my cup of tea. Authors invest a lot of themselves in their stories and may not see the forest for the trees on certain points. Same goes for commenters. In this age of email mentality type reading - do deep thinking involved - commenting can be haphazard with readers not taking in fully a story before commenting.

Your POV is important even if you hold views different from my own at times, as an example, but that should not be important here as long as the intent is for constructive critism/dialog.


Not too surprised


I am not too surprised that Nancy has pulled her stories again. She has done it before, and if she does decide to return, I am sure that this cycle will continue. Post, delete, post delete....!

I have not read any of Nancy's stories, since she criticized me and then deleted some comments I made about her "Walting Matilda" story. I missed reading her last few stories, but, since I felt I could not in good conscience comment, without pissing her off, I did not read the story.

Just my two cents.




Oh heck, I didn't realise this sort of stuff went on. Since coming to this site I've always considered it a friendly site. Having only been here a few months I think this is my first contact with internecine war.
I'm not sure if I've ever received a caustic, unwelcome comment either here or Fictionmania.
I hope Nancy comes back. I liked her stories particularly her and Persephone's story Alphedre.




I work pretty hard to make it friendly

erin's picture

Hardly a day goes by that I don't delete, unpub or demote something that I feel would damage the site.

But, so far, I haven't had to do that with any stories. I resist doing so because BCTS is supposed to be a safe haven for authors, a place where there stories can be posted and read. That's my only public political agenda, that BCTS is a safe place for stories and authors.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Mighty fine author

I love everything Nancy writes -BUT- since they are serial in nature and -IF- it become highly probable they will get pulled and not continued then why bother to even begine to read them? Its an unspoken contract between the author and reader, break it often enough and we begin to think better than going down a trail that abrubtly ends, go read something else. If nancy is going to get pissed off here she would do the same elsewhere so why bother looking for it?
Nancy, you punish all of us when you do this, even those of us who are your loyal readers that love your work.