Phew! It's taken long enough, but finally the EAFOAB Episode Summaries are completely up to date.
Every single one of the 1,020 episodes to date has been summarised and entered into a Google spreadsheet. I intended to complete it before we reached 210 episodes, and I've succeeded :)
So, what's contained in this spreadsheet PS and I have been slaving over for the past couple of months? If you haven't taken a peek yet, you may be surprised to learn that the spreadsheet contains more than just summaries of each episode.
When you open it, you're first taken to a title sheet, which reveals the number of episodes summarised to date (which hopefully should be no more than a week behind Angharad), has a brief summary of the entire concept of Bike, and contains a few useful links (e.g. to BCTS, the archive, and a couple of mapping sites, with the view centred on the Portsmouth area).
The next three tabs are character lists - family, major/reoccuring characters, and minor characters.
Then we get onto the summaries themselves. For convenience, they're split into blocks of 100 episodes. As well as the summary itself, each entry also contains the episode number, the date it was published, the episode title (as well as "Wuthering Dormice" and "The Daily Dormouse", various other titles have been used in the past), any particularly interesting / humorous quote, and any significant events (e.g. character debuts).
By the way, the spreadsheet is set to be writeable by anyone with the link (see above), so if you notice a missing character or an episode you've read has a great quote PS and I have missed, feel free to add it. You don't need to worry about making a mistake (as long as you inform me!) as I keep a completely up to date copy on my computer - I make edits to my local version, then copy them into the Google spreadsheet.
Meanwhile, through the course of helping me compile this, PS hit upon an idea for another innovative Bike-related resource... so keep your eyes peeled, as I'll let him announce it himself, as it's his "baby" :)
PostScript: If you fancy downloading a copy, you can either do it directly from the Google sheet, or, if you prefer, I've also converted the file to xls (the original is in ods) and uploaded it to - it's called eafoab1020.xls
Thank you
To Ben, PS and Holly who started all this and to Erin for her assistance and support - for all the hard work put into this project. Thanks as well to all the readers who have kept me scribbling the originals for Ben to summarise and PS to capture.
Perhaps I should thank Cathy and co, too, whose dances I merely choreograph, for putting on the show.
Thanks you you all.