The State rests

That's that for the time being. I've managed to bring the story to a point where various things conclude satisfactorily. I'm now going to put it on the back burner while I scratch some other itches.

The story has to change emphasis slightly from here on, and I have to consider what may or may not happen to our various characters. The section just completed, which is essentially book three, occupies a mere thirteen days* but takes fourteen parts, whereas book one covered the initial six months in six parts and book two covered eight days in seven parts. In the next book I think we'll have to cover a bit more time.

I have to try and curb my tendency to insert trivial detail that's not relevant to the plot, although of course a little local colour doesn't hurt. Just because my head's jammed with it shouldn't mean I have to inflict it on my readers.

I have most of the following week or two (of plot) pretty much mapped out, and I have to consider what happens medium to long term. Marion and Belle are moving into the wider world, and the story needs to reflect that fact. Of course neither of them are going to be pleased about that for their own reasons. I'm not going to say more, but I bet those who have been following can figure out some of it. Can I say "Citizens' Day"?

Although much has been wrapped up, there are easily sufficient dangling plot lines to keep everything going for a good long while yet, even without new situations that might develop in the future. If anyone finds anything they think needs resolving or explaining, please PM me rather than commenting, that will allow me to deal with such things tidily (and not give too much away!).

Moving on, I have other stories to tell, and I want to get them written and out. I don't like to post until I've a good buffer (or finished) so there will be a gap over summer before you see much more from me.

There's also, regrettably, Real Life (tm). This calendar year, my front lawn has been mowed once and my back lawn not at all. The neighbours are talking. On the plus side, I have successfully battled the Bramble Monster that took up about 15% of my back garden, although there are one or two shoots still defiantly thrusting out.

Aside from the garden, there's much that needs to be done inside, whenever I have sufficient energy. All that sewing I wanted to do last year? Not a stitch. I have to do some, I'm not the same shape I was last year and I need to make alterations to some garments. In a couple of cases, I have to make whole new garments.

My partner? She's still waiting a date for her bypass surgery, her condition having been judged not bad enough to warrant immediate action. July or August, we're told, and it will be a proper bypass in The Heart Hospital in London. I can't see me getting much writing done then, somehow.

Add to that her job is disappearing and the new government wants to stop my benefits and put me out on the streets, and the next few months could be interesting (As in: "May you live in interesting times"). I can't take a pension for two years yet, and I certainly am in no condition to hold down a regular job. Oh, well, that's life.

I'm gratified that so many of you liked my stories, and I can assure you all that I will continue writing just as often as circumstances arise. Even when I'm not posting, I'll be around to comment on other stories or blogs. I can't live without this place.


* I miscounted the first week, but I had written so much by the time I discovered it that it would have been difficult to go back and deal with. The Shepherd Training course is supposed to take six days, a whole (State) working week. As written, it took five.

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