Christmas Greetings

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OK, so I'm a traditionalist and like sending physical, paper cards. Obviously that's a bit difficult with an online community like BCTS, so I've done the next best thing... :)


Descriptions for the benefit of accessibility (and/or legibility!):
Front of card: cartoon of Santa looking at the top end of a long sequence of Christmas lists printed on fanfold paper.
Rudolph behind him whistling innocently, while the other reindeer eye him with suspicion.
Caption: (Santa) "Who's idea was it to advertise on the Internet?"

Inside of card: To all at BCTS. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wishing everyone all the best for 2010! Ben (aka mittfh)


Hope everyone has a relaxing break and doesn't get too tipsy! :)

For those of you with writer's block, I hope your inspiration returns in the not too distant future. For those with various medical ailments, I hope at the very least your symptoms remain at a manageable level, and, if possible, improve. And for those with the irresistible urge to write - give in to temptation! :)

I've had an entertaining few months here so far, reading many wonderful stories and serials, voting and commenting on them, and (shock!) getting feedback from the authors themselves (you don't get that kind of service from traditional 'dead tree' books!). I look forward to more over the next year - and getting to know many more of the wonderful authors here (although I doubt I'll be able to read all 400+ in the front page list - so if my comments haven't graced any of your stories yet, sorry - I'm not superhuman!)

I'll be offline for a few days over the break, but look forward to returning to read, vote and comment on whatever's been posted while I've been away. Oh, and one early resolution that's more an aspiration than reality: Prioritise housework over catching up on BCTS...especially at weekends!

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