Hi all,
I sent Brandy an email and it was returned with the infamous "person does not exist" response. So ... does anyone know where Brandy DeWinter is now? I would love to send her an email.
I get the following error when I send my email to Brandy:
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (state 14)
She has always responded to me when I use the email addy listed on her site. It sometimes takes a while, once as much as a couple of months. I last heard from her just before she released Sisters. She told me she had another idea she was working on back then. I haven't seen or heard anything since. I hope she has made a move to move her works to another site, since those geocities sites she has will be shut down in just as few days. Tanya Allan just opened her new site and said it was free. I hope Brandy and others with geocities sites take advantage somewhere so we don't lose their works. I would download everything possible soon, just in case. I have [email protected] as her addy.
Is that still on?
Is Yahoo still going to close Geocities and thus Brandy De Winter's site? I love her stuff! If so I have a busy weekend building an archive.
As far as I know
They still intend to close geocities in just a few days, like on the 6th. I could have that date wrong. I haven't noticed anything saying differently. Yahoo just released a new toolbar and I don't recall seeing geocities in available buttons for it. If the sites shut down with bandwidth overload as they often do, and you can't get to all the stuff, I have it all saved in three places, just in case. I DO NOT have all her artwork though. Some I saved as text only since back then all I had was dial up and no way to save the pics anyway, until recent ones came out.
Actually is the 26th not the 6th.
The "Internet Archive" site will try to archives has many geocities site has possible. More info here: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/geocities/close/close-17.html
But for those who have a geocities email address. ex: [email protected], the emails will not be deleted and still be functional ( info: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/geocities/close/close-16.html )
There's 27 of her stories still up on the Fictionmania site!
I know for a fact that some Geocities sites are down already
I had archives on several sites, all gone now. Hopefully, Internet Archive still has them:
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
She's transitioning...
... so to speak. Well a new site in the early build stages, shared with Tigger http://www.tigger-n-brandy.net/ The email address should be unchanged [email protected]
Well, I couldn't say nuttin' to em yet. :(
So, anyway best wishes, good luck, God speed, and all that eh!