Writing it all out longhand.

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Um, hello.

About a million years ago, I wrote a piece (the badly titled 'stone fox tapes') that I rather cared for. I was invited to post it here, where it went down tolerably well. I was jolly pleased that people 'got' it and alleged that it was part one of three.

And then... Things. Stuff happened. Most notably a tiresome encounter with the Black Dog, which led to writing fail of epic proportions, as the young people have it.

So, um, I have what amounts to part ii in a somewhat readable state, but it needs a bit of prodding from a relatively fearless Beta Reader or two.

I won't promise to not have a howling artistic strop, but it's very unlikely.

(And if I'm doing this wrong, well, I don't suppose anyone is in the least bit surprised.)


I am interested in being a scrach monkey, um, beta reader

I re-read your inventive Karma short story and gave a quick skim to The Stone Fox Tapes.

If you can give me a deadline date -- I tend to put things off -- I'd be happy to read it and comment on what worked and didn't for me as a reader.

Just, um, HOW long is it? I'm not always the fastest on this but times are less crazy at work so things look good.

I have been helped by many here, it's only right to return the favor.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S I have MS Word 2007 on my new toy and access to Open Office , MS Word 2002 and WordPerfect12 on an older machine so I can handle most common formats.

P.P.S. If you are interested PM me and I can give you my email adress at AOL. It's easier to load/download files there.

John in Wauwatosa