Good News For Sephrena!

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'House', a doctor's show , treats a patient suffering fro hronic pain. As y'all know, Sephy suffers frm back pain. Maybe this episode an help us to see how she copes. She is my adopted sister.



I do not what it is with us transgender people but we all seem to suffer from some form of chronic pain or other painful illness. I myself have Fibromyalgia, leg ulcers and arthritis in my knees. So I can feel for all the problems Sepherena does have and we can all hope for better therapies and treatments to help people who suffer with such issues.


Jenna From FL

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.


as yet another girl that deals with chronic pain, i suspect that many like myself do far to many macho things while trying to hide from ourselves and others (oh no i can lift that gearbox by myself, etc).

having collected a load of firewood in the forest yesterday (on a disability pension it's the cheapest way), today i'm on max dosage of the several pain meds my quack prescribes that all together barely dull the pain.

often the things that we must do to survive push us backwards, maybe the pain might recede a bit before i need to go and collect more firewood in 2 weeks and have to repeat the vicious cycle.

one interesting thing i have noticed with the large number of ladies with chronic pain, all of those that i know whom have had SRS have needed only minimal pain medication post op, i had the morpheine drip removed after 2-1/2 days and used freely available paracetamol in the months after.

regards to all
