Beware the VELOCIBUNNY!!!

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My wonderful husband, Grover, drove me to work today. On the way there we were talking about the blog "Women are Hard to Read". As the conversation went on, we then talked about the virtual whirlwind of emotions and thoughts that women go through during different parts of life. I told him I was cute and fuzzy when things are going well, but if someone I love or care for is being attacked (according to my perception) then the claws come out. He turned to me and said..."'re a Velocibunny!"

So, my friends, if you happen to see a seemingly nice and cordial woman, she just may be a velocibunny in disguise!

You have been warned!!!



She's right behind me, isn't she?


Does that mean the same thing as "quick like a bunny"?


Yuri! of a cross of a cross between a cute and fuzzy bunny and a velociraptor. (you know...from Jurassic Park).

Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived

oh, Googled it

Never saw Jurassic Park, no interest in the subject.



Ah, now it makes sense ....

The Killer Rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail is at last explained.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

How Lucky?

joannebarbarella's picture

Is Grover? With a wonderful lady like you,