Yesterday I finally obtained a prescription for the anti-smoking drug, Chantix. This morning I took my first pill. I have set a date to finally be off cigarettes. March First is the date.
Wish me luck and strength. I do this not so much for me, but for my love. Without cigarettes I'll live longer and that means more time with her.
Love 'n huggles from,
Catherine Linda Michel
Go for it Catherine
I hope you can quit the habit. Maybe your muse will return after you fight off the evils of tobacco.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
That's Great!
Catherine; Sounds great that your trying to quit, It's a bad habit, both of my parents, both sisters and brother all smoked. I still remember my Grandfather came home one Friday night drunk and beatup my Grandmother, the next morning he didn't remember anything. When I and my sister told him that he did it, he went into the house and came out with all of his cigs and the burnable trash and went to the burn barrel and started the trash on fire, then thru the cigs in then went to his work car and got three bottles of boose and poured them into the fire, and from that day until he left us he didn't smoke ar drink and became the best Grandfather ever. Richard
Good luck
Smoking's a mug's game. I smoked as schoolboy 55 years ago and eventually packed it in totally 20 years later. I've never regretted it and saved many thousands of pounds (tobacco is heavily taxed in the UK).
Try taking up cycling. The first time you cough your lungs up after a hard climb will convince you that you're doing the right thing LOL
I wish you the very best of success. You can can do it. In (almost) the words of your new president "Yes you can!"
I am simply crushed !
That you did not love me enough to stop! (Think badly over done Drama Queen acting by me) Snark Snark (Evil giggle)
May the "force" of love be with you.
You can also consider yourself added to my Dua.
Congratulatons on finally being able to get the Chantix.,.
I know you have been trying to, ( Or was that threatening to ), get Chantix for some time.
We're rooting for you, Cathy
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
I quit for me
Please do yourself a favor quit because you want to, that is the real reason to quit. Take it from an ex-drinker and ex-smoker. Each time I quit to make myself presentable for someone elses reason I failed. When I decided on Jun3 11th 1986 to quit smoking it was because I got sick and tired of being sick and tired of smoking. Now nearly 23 years of being smoke free I can concetrate on other things.
I quit drinking alcoholic beverages when I realized what everyone else knew I couldn't drink alcoholic beverages. (I'll be celebrating 26 years of sobriety in March) The nice thing I did it for me, if others benefitted from my ceasing alcohol and tobacco then they benefitted.
My prayers will be with you in your endeavors of success in not having tobacco as a monkey on your back.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Good luck
Good luck cathy. I tied smoking year ago but I hated the smell it left on me.
Jessica Marie
I do wish you luck!
Tobaco smoke seems to be one of the worst triggers of my asthma (though strong cinamon & wintergreen - both of which I used to really love do almost as good a job)...
I wish anyone trying to break the habbit luck, and am willing to help, if nearby. My mom broke her 40+ year habbit almost 8 years ago! YEAH! After many tries... TOook Rx Meds; Hypnotism & the patch all combined to do the job, but she's been good since. So, I know you can do it! (I just wish my brother would...)
Good Luck!
Best wishes
I have been a non-smoker and a non-drinker all my life. I believe that I have missed out on nothing because of it. Society has given me plenty of stick in the past for being a wowser, but I find now that more and more people are respecting me for the position that I take.
As Jill has already said. Please, please do this for yourself. The person you are doing this for will benefit anyway.
Nicotine is the most addictive drug known to man and hence it is the most difficult to break away from. There are many millions who will attest to that.
All the best in your endeavours.
Robyn B
Robyn B