Help wanted!
I am working on a story, and am the first to admit my writing is a little rough and ready. So i would really like for someone to proof read it for me - check it's ok, spelling, etc. maybe even make a few suggestions, e.g. if continuity gets a bit screwed, things like that.
If anyone is willing to help (it won't be a huge amount of work, I am not that prolific a writer, and this story's coming quite slowly for me) please leave me a message!
Thanks :) Lian
A Little Help
I am a tech writer in my work. I have written some Workbooks and Teaching materials.
I would enjoy helping you with your story or stories.
Wendy Marie
Wendy Marie
help available
if you want. I do proof reading for other authors and am very careful to work within the author's story line.
Old Fox
What Is the Subject?
There are a number of excellent proofreaders and editors who frequent this site and each has her preferences. For example, my preferences include magic or sci-fi and will not do bizzar changes, incest or forced fem. I am also a slow editor and am often dealing with other projects that may or may not have anything to do with writing. But if you are more spicific you can get someone that can help.