I just wanted to take a moment, and thank everyone on here for the support you offer, the wonderful stories that you write, and let you know that YOUR presence in this world does make it a lighter and happier place.
I know that this time of year can be especially difficult to people that do not have close family or friends nearby, and it can bring a large upsurge in depressing thoughts. Please, please, please, just remember the good you do and the light you shine does impact other people and help make their lives bearable as well. One thing that works for me, when possible, is to try to go out and find someone else (even a stranger) to perform a simple act of kindness. The true gift is in the giving, not receiving, of gifts, and I hope that everyone here gets to feel that wonder and happiness at least once this season.
Thanks again to everyone for such a wonderful place, and I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or just a great day, whatever your beliefs may hold.
Love you all,
Jeff (aka ls49)