Following is a suggested list of courses of study for a new TS.
Skirt Management 101 “Keeping your secrets secret”
Diet Planning 200 “Compliance and avoidance Strategies”
Defensive Dating 312 “?”
Lace Display 402 “When, why and how much”
Feminine Mystique 510 “Preserving the mystery”
Suggestions for additions and revisions are encouraged.
How about
Going undercover 999 "How to avoid getting clocked"
Thank you ...
I suppose that "getting clocked" could be an issue for a new TS as well as for a CD. TS is pretty far "out of the closet", though, what with real life test requirement. :)
I'm really looking for important subjects that a GG would have learned "at her mother's knee". A TS usually lacks that opportunity. :(
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Things I learned at my mother's knee.
How to shuck corn and shell peas.
How to skin a squirrel.
How to curse enough to make a sailor blush.
How to make biscuits.
How to use a push mower.
How to do laundry by hand.
How to sew and mend my own clothes.
How to smudge a house with sage to remove bad energy.
How to respect myself and others.
What soap tastes like.
Melanie E.
Good list!
But a bit dated. :) Besides, Momma taught my brothers most of those things, too.
Daddy woulda taught them, but by then he had succumbed to his war (WW-I) injuries. :(
Ah, that lye soap. Definitely not gourmet! Even its dirty tan hue could quell one's appetite!
None of us had to learn about push lawn mowers, though. Instead we had to learn how to husband goats and sheep. Not sure if that was better. :)
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
I'm only 32: part of the millennial generation.
Melanie E.
A more serious suggestion
Genetics 320 “Retiring from the gene pool?”
This is a more serious suggestion. Not sure Momma would have thought of it, though.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.