Almost there...

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I'm nearly done (and done in for that matter) getting my aged mother into a Care Home.
I moved her from the temporary home where she's been for the past 5 weeks into a home that is funded by the County Council.

Friday is the big day when her home for the past 24 years will be cleared, the meters read, the phone disconnected and everything else.

Then next Thursday it is her 96th Birthday.

For anyone who will be faced with this task please, please, please do your best to get a 'Power of Attourney' in place before you do this. IT makes the whole thing so much easier. Sady Mum wouldn't hear of it. Sigh.
Some organisations won't even speak to you unless you have it in place. One even refused to tell me the process until I complained.
even bigger sigh.

Nearly there.


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