I don't normally write about my days, but I couldn't help it today. Show Me 30 was posted and as much of a downer as the chapter is, my day couldn't have been nicer. The comments have been positive, and better yet my whole day has been perfect. I brought my dog, a Welsh Corgi, to the vet for a call back and her ears are good once again. For you guys, I went to the dump in Half Moon Bay, Ox Mountain, which has to be one of the most beautiful dump sites around. Then to top it off I stopped at the Princeton harbor and bought two live Dinginess crab to share with my dog. My wife is allergic to crab, so it's for the dog and me. She went out with her friends. The temperature is perfect, 68 degrees, the air is clear, there is no wind, God I love life. Now I know why I live In the San Francisco bay area, hugs to all, Arecee
I'm pleased that you're having a great day.
Everyone should have such days.
All my best,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Strange that
Today must be a good aspect day or something like it because my day has gone fairly well too. It is so a nice change! Congrads and may tomorrow be more of the same.!
A day in the Bay
- I miss Half Moon Bay so much! I lived there several years, many years in the Bay Area and love to read the little tidbits of local color and familiar names of places you color your wonderful stories with.
Thank You, Christine
10-15 years ago
I went looking for a place in San Francisco & environs that was (HA HA) affordable,
somewhere before San Jose I gave up, resigned myself to remaining in scuzzy Reno
(it still seems unnatural to be living out of earshot of the foghorns...) and making
my annual Haj to Mama Ocean. Sounds like a great day, Arecee! Glad yer pup's
okay (Corgies would have ear problems, wouldnt they? You can hide golfballs
in those things). You had a good time, your wife had a good day....
The crabs didn't think it was so hot. Or maybe it was too hot.
And for those not-so-swell days, I find the Old Philosopher inspirational:
~~~hugs, LAIKA
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
I've had a good day too
Cycled down from Dorchester to the bill of Portland, a round trip of 37 miles. The sun shone and I was in good company, the local CTC group.