Well, I might as well explain my life a little

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I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone who has ever read anything of mine. I appreciate it. I'm sitting here at 3:58 am bored and hungry out of my mind. Well, because I ramble on about the present. Let's talk about my past a little.

I was born October 11, 1999, to the name Jonathan. Yes, I know my birthday just past, yes, I know my birthday is on national coming out day, and for the final yes, I am 18 and still in high school. Life for me growing up was normal, good, and loving. Funny, because all my stories end up the complete opposite.

The only real problems I had was my mother being sick all the time. I never complained about it, then again I didn't know any different. I also had issues later, but we'll get to that eventually. I grew up as a boy but as all transgender children or anyone with those feelings growing up, I wanted to be a girl. I didn't act like it or showed my feelings to anyone. My mom and dad were questioning if I was gay, but that's about it. I didn't dress up in girl clothes or anything of such.

Well, I would be a liar if I didn't mention I wore my mom's underwear. But, everyone does something like that. Yep, you look back at Jonathan he was a fun loving boy. A boy in every way. Ibeit petite short boy that the guys sometimes called a girl for happening to look like his mother. My feelings of wanting to be a girl were stronger than the other boys. You know the cliche thought that 'Everyone must be thinking this too'? Yeah, thought that too. It wasn't until fourth grade when I started really thinking about it.

Hell, at one point I told a friend of mine that I felt more like a girl than a boy. I would constantly get thoughts where I have some sort of dual personality. And both personalities are gendered (I still believe that I have two personalities. I know it's crazy, but I talk to myself all the time and get great advice too) Then tragedy struck, and my mother died of the sickness she was born with. I couldn't focus on the inward part of me because I was mourning my mother. It did open my ears and mind to new possibilities.

Time travel to the year 2015. A small, petite boy wins gold and silver medals in taekwondo. He's a completely immersed in the otaku community, has a bunch of friends, and started wearing contacts. He goes online to find out about Caitlyn Jenner. Right then and there I found out that I'm actually a girl. Well, at the time I said I wanted to be a girl. My life just made sense. especially how I was acting leading up to the month I discovered. For example, I went to space camp for the last time. I was acting really cute and found myself loving acting cute. There was a guy who would always comment how my hands are very feminine (I received them from my dad, lucky me). I loved it when he told me that. I started to grow my hair longer. So, when I learned that there was a word to my feelings I just knew that I wanted to be a girl. Well 2 depressingly cloudy weeks, and a few days after Thanksgiving, I came out to my dad. 10 months later, after getting a girlfriend, breaking up with her because I was suicidal, therapy, and slowly coming out of my shell. I get on hormone blockers. The meds did wonders for me. I wonder still mildly depressed, but nothing too bad. I started passing 3 months later, so I was pretty happy. 3 months after that I get on estrogen. Now after 8 months on it, I am sitting on my computer at 4:30 or so am typing useless information about me. Oh, did I forget to mention my name is now Jessica? Oh well, it won't matter. I'm hungry and my alarm went off. Oh, so another day of never go to sleep.

I thought I would share my useless tale. I have more details, but I'm too hungry to write them.


Your tale ...

Your tale is not useless. It is your past. It is what makes you the person that you are.
Coming out was a decision of strength. As was your decision to write your tale here.
There may be other people with similar stories like yours, but none can be exactly like yours.
Take pride in your past - the good and the bad - and proudly step into the future.

Regarding talking to yourself

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I maintain that some times you have to talk to yourself, because you are the only one who'll listen.

The thing to remember is that it's OK to talk to yourself; it's even OK argue with yourself... but beware of losing the argument. If you lose the argument, just who did you lose it to?

Seriously, you'll be a lot happier, if you can merge your two sides. We all have masculine and feminine sides. This is true even for cisgender people. It so happens that in trans folks, the side opposite to their birth assignment is stronger than the one that matches. So don't throw away all your masculine traits; embrace your whole self.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann