So lots of billboards up hyping the Bridal shows around town. Many with the "Say yes to the Dress" slogan.
Except one was for a Plastic Surgeon, did not read the whole thing as I was semi outraged and laughing as well.
the following is just my little addition
Body sculpting to make the dress look its best, specializing in Feminization since 1977
Love and Light Dear Ones and may the Goddess be with you
Love Des
"to the dress
To those of use in a feminie houshold wh are more or less forced to watch "say yes to the dress" and its many close copies, it doesnt help at all! if you ignore the obnoxious relatives and just love the dresses, well who wouldn'tlove a fitting session!
Shows like that
show up the mothers more than the brides to be IMHO.
For some it is the wedding that they never had so their actions can be justified but for others.... sheesh, I'd be so embarrassed to have a mother doing some of that stuff on TV. Well, they got their 15 nano seconds of fame and I hope that the married couple have the guts to move a long, long way away from both MIL's.
Why do Mothers turn into devils when weddings are concerned? Don't answer that... :) :) :wink: