
Every Friday, by using either this widget, and, once in, type /join #dungeon, or else by connecting directly to the BCTS server on a regular irc client at: on port 6667 and /join #MainRoom, and /join #dungeon, we play a fantasy version of Dungeons and Dragons in the irc chat with a dicebot script.
The mibbit widget does work in firefox and internet explorer. Chrome has issues with it.
We normally play between 7- 8 pm until 12am Eastern US time every Friday. I, Saphira, am currently DM'ing. We use the Pathfinder Ruleset which can be found here with the sorcerer class as an example class:
If you want to play, come into the mainroom or dungeon room a few hours prior to gameplay and message me as either Sunshine/Saphira for creating a free no gimmik account on MythWeavers to be able to setup your character sheet that we can all look at and update during gameplay like here (sephrena's character): and here (my character)
We focus more on the story and roleplay aspect and it is comparable to living and acting a story out. If you are interested, please visit us in the BCTS #MainRoom or #dungeon channel and message me.
Thank you.
I love the chatroom on its own merits
Iam not much of a gamer anymore Thank for the post.The only thing the stroke did not shut down is me talking.My facial droop lasted a couple of hours.
Friday Game Sessions
I'm assuming, after the fact that we had no session last week, that sessions from now on will be at 6 PM Eastern?