Cat had to be put down

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I have never posted a blog entry in my life. Never. I have always thought of it as being a bit egoistical and self-serving to be honest.

But damn it, I am hurt, angry and mourning over the death of this cat, who granted was not mine, but my neighbor's outdoor cat who adopted me as his own.

I first got to know him when I moved into my current house two years ago. A tuxedo cat, he eventually somehow wound up sitting together on my porch every evening with him on my lap. He would be waiting for me to greet me when I drove up in the evening, happily climbing into my car to sit in my lap so we can enjoy a scratch cuddle and then I would give him a treat.

Early on he would almost never left my porch, guess he was hungry for any company he could get. One evening I found him outside my porch in 5 degree weather.

Recently he did see sense and would go home after dark but as usual he would be on my porch in the morning to put his paws up on outer door and create a screeching sound on the metal.

But now he is gone.

His injury showed that it is more than likely some bastard apparently went up and kicked him as he was very friendly and tolerant and affectionate to humans so would have been an easy target. The owners had to put him down as the cat's spine was damaged and his back legs would not work.

One little kid would come up to my porch, where he hung out and pet him. As it turned out this cat was the only cat that boy could tolerate so it was a way for that little guy to lose his allergy to cats.

But now he is gone.

I would groom and brushed him till he shone as he was a world class shedder.

But now he is gone.

Bastard humans.


fur kids

Always hard to say goodbye to fur kids. Its true they adopt us. I have had 3 in the past do so and saying goodbye was always hard. worst was mum who had breast cancer on 5 outa 8.
If it helps here's a (((hug))) .

I am so sorry.

littlerocksilver's picture

Go to your closest animal shelter and rescue a cat or two. That will help a lot.


The blessings in life come with an ending

BarbieLee's picture

Kimmie, no one can understand how you feel. Each person is unique just as your four legged friend was one of a kind. They fill our lives with unbiased love and then wait for us on the other side when they are gone. They don't judge us for the clothes we wear, the money we have. They listen to our complaints, and listen as we tell them about what we did that day. The don't judge us for not being on time or forgetting to fill their food bowls

Basically they teach us what it means to be a real friend. A lot of humans could take notes from our four legged friends. Animals can usually instinctively pick out good people from bad people. Sometimes their instinct gets haywired and just like humans make a bad judgment they end up paying for.

Nothing I can say will make the hurt go away. I only wanted you to know, you aren't alone.Only those who care and have kindness in their heart and soul hurt when a friend is lost.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Matilda (The Transgender Cat)

So sorry for your cat. One day, a large (obviously pregnant) cat about to drop her kittens showed up at my door crying for food. So I opened the door and let her[?] in. After feeding the cat, I grabbed a cat carrier put her[?] in it and drove the cat to the vet. After the vet examined the cat, he informed me that the cat was a male!!! I was stunned (if I could Judy Pinkie Swear, I would Judy Pinkie Swear that the cat looked like a female about to drop her kittens). When I broughtthe cat home, my parents and my brother were also stunned to hear that Matilda was a boy!!! The cat kept the name and we kept the cat (for two (2) weeks). Two weeks later, the neighbor across the street came running across the street and informed me that the cat sitting in my front room window looked like a missing cat, who's owners were desperately searching for their wayward kitty. Being good neighbors, we all said goodby to Matilda and I carried the cat over to Matilda's owners (the next street over). They were happy to get their cat back, so I left the cat and proceeded to walk home. When I got home, Matilda was patiently waiting by my door! I guess he escaped and made a beeline for my place going through my neighbor's back yard. I picked up Matilda and carried him home to his owners for the second time. This time I was able to get home and make it inside without seeing Matilda. When I got home from work the next day, Matilda was patiently waiting for me by my front door! I took him home. This went on daily for about two (2) weeks. Each day I brought him home to his owner's. After two (2) weeks, they had enough. They told me you can keep the cat we don't want him! So for the next six years, we had a pregnant male cat who spent most of his time in my brother's lap or in the front room window. Whenever anyone came over and saw the cat for the first time, they always asked "When is she going to have her Kittens?"

**WARNING SUICIDE DISCUSSION** Not a horror story really...

I lived in a 4 plex. The man below us had a cat. He came up one year after about a year of never talking to us... Could he use our phone?
So he calls 911 and says he's tried to commit suicide and could they come get him. (He didn't die.) On the way down the stairs... he asked... could we look after his cat? So an unnamed cat moved in with us. 6 mos later we moved and he was still in hospital so she came with us. She fought with our other cats and somehow became my bestest friend. "Squeaker" so named by the croaky squeak that was her voice... I guess she had a throat injury at some point in her life. I disliked the cat because she fought with my other 4 cats driving them away from me. She would sleep on a lambs skin pad we'd found on the side of the road. One day I came home and heard this "SQEAK" come from our storeroom... I followed it and found her under some boxes. I called to her and she dragged herself out apparently her back legs were paralysed. We rushed her to the vet and hours later had her ethunised... she'd had a stroke and was suffering heart congestion.

I cried for 3 days when it was over... I had to take two days off from work. I was a mess. Its funny how, even though I disliked the way she refused to share me, I still loved her. She gave me a great deal of attention... (sadness) I even miss her (sigh) to this day.

Cats are so easy to love.


I'm so sorry. I know how hard

I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to part with a furry friend. He obviously was a very special cat.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Crualty to people or animals is vile

At least the cat is out of it's misery.

I hope the fool who harmed it confesses and learns. Or is a braggart and fool and boasts about his exploit, preferably on social media.

Someone who would cripple an inoffensive animal may eventual "graduate" to harming children and women.

Budding serial killer here.

Poor kitty.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. It is in part because of such sub humans and the risk from city traffic we do not let our cats out unattended. But it is the person who injured the cat who is at fault, not the owner.

John in Wauwatosa