This a update on what I've been up to as well as a request for aid. After my open heart surgery last year it's been one heck of a struggle to keep up with the bills and life in general.
My Understanding Spouse has recently gotten a new job, but it is in another city and state. We knew it was going to be tough moving, but we thought we had it covered. Finding an apartment long distance was not fun, but we did find what seems to be a nice place. She left her old job and is currently working from home until she has to appear in person in mid November.
Then Murphy decided to get in on the act. The money we thought we had wasn't there and finding financial help has proven difficult.
A friend suggested Gofundme and that's what we're hoping will work for us. I know many of you are in the same hand to mouth situation Understanding Spouse and I are in, but if you can afford a few bucks it would be great.
The link is
Big Hugs!
Great Author
Grover, the nice stories you have posted for all to read for free deserves a thank you. Sad so many who have given so much enjoyment to so many others seems to be those who are usually struggling. It is the kindness of their heart giving away more than others who want to profit from everything they do.
Father, this child has many needs
Please send thy angels to administer such
In Jesus name I pray for your blessings
Be well in health to you and your favorite squeeze. Hugs sweety.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
C'mon folks, lets help one of our own.
I wish I could do more.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I tried to donate
my measly $20 contribution was blocked because I don't have a credit card.
You should create another funding method... one that accepts paypal.
Email Address...
Hopefully Grover can PM you with an email address you can access from your Paypal account and transfer the money that way.
Ask Grover for a mailing address
The FundMe page asked too many questions. With the stealing of credit card names, numbers, etc. by too many hackers from too many "safe" companies, I no longer leave my info sitting in anyone's data base.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl