Time stands still

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Hello all:

I've been a reader on this site for several years now. I love the mental vacation it provides. I comment frequently about stories I read and prefer. I'm a simple working girl who lives my life as I see fit and the world be damned, this includes most of my family who have tossed me aside as if I'm dead.

Anyways what I wish to write and post to be shared with others is the recent nightmare of my life concerning my fiancee who is from England. We met on FB in the spring of 2013 and although there are millions of FB fantasy relationships, I doubt that any of them actually meet or have a true relationship. I actually traveled to England in August of 2913 to meet Abby and she came back to the USA with me in September on a visa waiver (kind of like a visitors visa). We became very close and due to her family and threats made against her in the UK, we decided she would hide out over here. I promised to pay for her surgery, GCS/GRS as soon as was financially possible. IN the interim, we fell in love. I asked her to marry me in December 2013 to which she said yes. Well needless to say, it took way longer to come up with 17,000 cash to finalize her GCS. We finally reached this goal and had her surgery planned, scheduled and paid for, this to occur 19 March 2015. Well to say the wheels fell off the bus would be putting it mildly. Abby was incarcerated by the US Border Patrol for 5 1/2 weeks. This is the link to her blog if anyone is interested in reading about it in detail. http://something4thejourney.blogspot.com/,

I only post this to give warning to any others who are thinking of or are actually flaunting the law in doing what we did. This and to bring to light the civil rights nightmare that the US government is doing to TG/TS/Intersexed members of society. It is deplorable to say the least. From what we have read, the USA is the only western, civilized country who still use the practice of 'solitary confinement' on detainees or prisoners. This needs to stop!! Thanks for reading this if you have or do.

Dahlia Ansley


I read

Angharad's picture

both of your blogs. I hope the nightmare is over and wish you both happiness. Sadly, with the increasing amount of people migrating to improve their living standards, the richer countries are getting tougher and tougher on them. I suspect the position in the UK is not much better and we hear of them deporting people back to countries where they know harm will come to them such as sending gay people back to the Middle East.



Dahlia's picture

Angharad, the thing that gets me is that we are supposed to be bestest friendly nations and all. It was not like Abby was taking someone else's job or on the dole for food, welfare or health care. I paid for it all. The whole mentality that everyone be treated as the basest of criminal and everyone like they are a mass murder is so wrong. It has been proven that to be placed in solitary confinement for anywhere near a month can cause permanent and irreversible psychological damage to the detainee. That coupled with the fact that Abby is a minority as an intersexed person and very fragile mentally, makes it doubly so.

Thanks for your kind words and caring. When I can get Abby back to the USA, it's the best option as of now, then we can begin our life of happiness.



Christina H's picture

Dahlia my heart goes out to you the vindictiveness of the authorities was a typical 'jobsworth' attitude, I feel your pain and anguish and really hope that you find the happiness you deserve.

As Angharad remarks this is happening all over the world it seems that compassion has deserted the world, as far as the solitary confinement is concerned in a strange way maybe this was for the best as she could have been confined as a male (her natural sex) with nasty pieces of work who could have taken advantage.

Be strong and hope I wish you all the very best for the future and enjoy your trip to the UK use it to forget your troubles. With your profession you could consider working here - just a thought.

Time will start again for you both and this time it will be a Happy Time which is what you deserve

Love and Hugs