nnngh, and thrice nnngh!
'Midnight Angels' has defeated me. It was never supposed to be as long as it's grown, and I'm just not ready to tackle something of that scale. Three concurrent storylines is a bit of a reach for me too, and as it's become more and more of the 'Pat and Mike show' the other girls' stories have diminished. It's all a bit of a mess really, and I'll be better off starting again, after a break.
It's only a temporary setback I hope. Onwards and upwards, or even, per ardua ad astra!
That's a pity ...
... as you know I was quite enjoying it. Perhaps you could try a complete root and branch revision and simply start again once you've got your ducks in a row ;)
No, not nnngh!
Thanks for the warning/explanation. So many series' that I enjoy just fizzle out, unexplained. Stick it on
the back burner a while, and hopefully before you know it the tumblers will click into place on this story
and you'll be typing frantically to keep up with all the ideas popping up! Ad astra you betcha!
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Lovely mixed metaphors :)
Perfect for chefs and homemakers who moonlight as picklocks and safecrackers...
That's sad
But thanks for letting us know. I hope you will be able to continue this story at some point and we can read about the girls' further adventures.
Don't be afraid
You can revise and repost, or revise on site and ask me or Sephrena to freshen the date so it gets back on the main page. When you're ready.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I thought for a minute
you spoke Chinese or some rare Hebrew dialect where vowels are not used. Having articulated such 'words' I recognise them as being pre linguistic signals which may be universal to humans, and which certainly appear from my mouth when: a)I get a puncture on the bike b) when the computer eats, digests and shits on the latest piece of work, and c)when the car does strange things like not wanting to start. They are all soon accompanied by linguistic phrases, usually of old English origins.
and there was me ...
... thinking that the lack of vowels was a Welsh 'thing'. Perhaps it is. One of the things that started me on this road was playing the part of a young Welsh woman in a school play (all male school). I can only remember one line - " ... and I with a child growing under my heart" Can you imagine what that did to a prepubescent 13 year old? I suppose you can :)
au contraire
we actually have more vowels - they just look like consonants to the unitiated.
'ngh' is a nasal sound that can only be produced by the native of a very damp country.
No it's ...
... snot. ;)
Sorry, I'll get me coat.
They will return!
I'm not abandoning the girls completely, just taking a step back and starting over though I have to prepare myself better next time (it was never meant to be much longer than 'Nightingale' and I just wasn't ready for a task that big).
I've already made some plans for what I need to do...
Premise: the premise is I think sound but I need to find a way to convince the reader while
a. avoiding a huge wedge of exposition, but
b. saving a major plot element that can only be revealed towards the end (but not making it a deus ex machina).
Characters: the original plan was to make something like a wartime British propaganda film with characters from different walks of life working towards a common goal - I think I've failed on that point. There should be more obstacles, more conflict between the characters, as is it's a bit cosy. All the characters have acquired a backstory, but there's more work to do with their motivation, especially how they were selected, why they stuck at it.
Handling three story lines: the scene jumps were OK in shorter pieces but weaving three of them together was disorienting for the reader... that I have to find a way of addressing (have some idea already, but I may have to write something else to try them out).
I began writing it at the start of October so it's been a while, and i have been adding things and trying to patch up inconsistencies ever since. A couple of months away from writing, and just thinking about it / sketching the chapters etc should make my next attempt more successful.