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The interview was about being Genderqueer, identifying as neither male or female.
I think what first annoyed me was that the guest started out with most people making the assumption that in the U.S. if you're a man and wear a skirt no one will think twice about it as compared to other countries. She obviously hasn't been to Kansas or other states where people would take issue.
I think where I get angry is in that idea. If I decide to wear a skirt or dress when I'm male that I should explain my behavior or possibly identify myself as female or say that I'm transitioning. If a woman wears whatever most of the time there's no demand of explanation.
If it's really hot maybe I wanna wear a skirt or dress because it opens more to let air circulate. I shouldn't have to explain. I guess I'm just frustrated because we attach this stupid gender label to these pieces of cloth instead of a comfort level in terms of wearing something.
I'm going to also go out and say I think it's funny you can wear a skull or some other interesting designs on a jacket or a t-shirt but if it becomes a pair of tights or hose, god forbid.