At this time of year, we take time to be with the ones we love. Top Shelf, and it's predeseser(sp?), Big Closet have always seemed to be more friendly, more willing to help those in need, and just a nicer place to visit and read, post stories and just relax.
That's due partly to the wonderful writers who share their work with us freely, hoping only for some good comments as payment, but also due to the great people who keep this place up and running. Without Erin, Bob, Sephrena, Shannon and others, this place could never be, so a big THANK YOU, from me to all of you.
This great site has helped me realize a long time dream, that of being published. I thank all those who have bought my book, either in download form, or paperback, and all those who have read and commented on my stories. Without Erin, my dream would not have happened at all, so special thanks go out to her for all her work, not only for my book, but for all the books she has helped into print. In a way, she is Godmother to all those books, and to all those that will follow. Thank you Erin!!!
Last, but certainly not least, thanks and huggles to all the readers, editors, proofreaders, alpha readers and visitors to Top Shelf. Without you, this place wouldn't be the wonderful, caring, understanding place it is.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season, full of love, understanding and tolerance for those who are different.
Holiday Huggles from,
Catherine Linda Michel