Hello everyone! This is my first Blog ever. I'm a 30 MTF TS. Today I came out to my mom... *happy sob* S-she said "I known for years, and I love and accept you!" *cries some more* We talked and cried for almost a hour!*sniffle, happy sob* I really love her sooo much!!
What a happy piece of news to put in your first Blog ever! Yay! for happy, joyous news.
The only thing more beautiful than a story like this is when it happens in real life!
Thank you for sharing this with us...
~~~hugs, LAIKA
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Count yourself blessed
I am very happy for you. It is extremely rare for T girls to be accepted by parents.
Merry Christmas
Gwen Brown
That's just wonderful! I'm so happy to hear coming out to your mom went so well.
{{{warm huggs}}}
Heather Rose Brown :)
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx
I wish you happiness,
And hope all your other friends and relatives take it so well.
Good luck,
The true test
That she knew -- but then a good mom is perceptive -- and that she accepts you is the test of a true mother.
Not that a mom can't be disapointed in you or correct you when you do something wrong and still be your mom. But accepance of who you are in your heart is true love.
You are most fortunate.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Moms ALWAYS know.
I don't know HOW they know, but they do. Mine did.
Wonderful news indeed, Laura. Congratulations to you. I only wish it was so easy for the rest. Maybe some day.
You GO girl!
Huggles from
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.![Y_0.jpg](/topshelf/system/files/u105/Y_0.jpg)
I'm happy for you!
My parents are both homophobic, and my mom knows, but she doesn't like it at all.
I fear for my life if my dad should ever find out, he'd come find me and hurt me I suppose...
Thank you!
Thanks to all for your kind words, they brought tears of joy to me! So again thank you very very much!! My Mother and I went window shopping today and doing nothing at all but having some fun. It was wonderful! :) I wish I had told her earlier. I know I'm blessed having an undrstanding Mom. I will keep you updated on the remaining famliy reactions.
Laura <3