Back from Hospital.
I'm back home, sore and very weary. A lot happened in the 29 hours I was hospitalised, including surgery to decompress a bulge on a disc, or microdiscectomy. The skill of today's surgeons is amazing.
I am not suposed to sit still for more than about 15 mins at a time, so writing is going to be difficult for a few days. Please bear with me and I'll be back as soon as I can.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts that were expressed, I found it very heartening.
love & hugs,
Hugs Auntie!
I for one am glad you are back and doing great! :) I missed you much!!!
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
Hi Angharad
Hi Angharad,
Glad things went well.
Look after yourself and get better soon.
Glad to hear your home.
I hope you feel better shortly.Hugs Amy M
So being a fidget ...
... is going to be the order of the day for a while. If you're not sitting what are you supposed to do - walk, lie down, or stand?
In any case, I hope it's not too sore so just keep practising the cartwheels and you'll be on the bike again in no time. If the weather in your part of the world (SW ish England?) is anything like here (N ish England) you're not missing much. I couldn't believe how cold it was yesterday when I went out for a spin - must be getting old.
Anyway, get well soon and don't bother about the writing ... we can cope for as long as a day without Cathy and Simon. So no rush Eh?
Be Well
I hope that you feel better soon. Please, do as the Doc says.
Gwen Brown