National Novel Writing Month 2k7 Progress

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6:15am 1 November 2007...

Word Count so far

]Click here[ to go to the NaNo and see my profile. Excerpt, word count, and writing buddies there.


Best of luck Edeyn

I know we don't always see eye to eye, but it's really nice to see someone trying their best at something they love and I get the distinct impression you love writing.

So everything previous aside and from the bottom of my heart I wish you luck in your endeavours.

I hope too that you reach your target.

Nick B

Comment on NNWM


I saw your profile on the NNWM website and it was very good. The picture of you is really wondeful. I want to wish to you the best of luck for this event and hope that you'll win. Thanks.

Francis Doyon
