I would really appreciate hearing about what and how the poems I did make folks think and feel. If you all could, please read them and think about it and comment telling me about what imagery and emotions they each bring up?
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? Wait, no, that was God. Sorry, common mistake...
I'm not a big fan of poetry, It gives me a look into the mind of someone I don't know. For me, that's uncomfortable. I feel like a voyeur.
It's not just your poetry, Edeyn, it's any poetry. Especially those that express negative emotions like yours: Despair and Afraid, Regret and Confused, Hope and Determined (To me it was a downer), Anger and Frustrated, all seemed negative.
I read these because you asked, and they weren't very long.
An Author of poetry pours their heart out into their work, maybe it's a kind of therapy for them.
I really don't want to know a poet's hurt.
Mr. Ram
Maybe I'm biased, but...
"Guard me from Poet's Head/ Dread disease/ where words ring like gongs/
and meaning goes right out the window..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Edward Field
Maybe I'm biased, but I think there is more than just negativity to these poems,
there is an exceptional level of insight. Anybody can snivel, but I am real picky
about poetry and to me this is poetry done right. Self-honest, free of mawkishness
& pretentious loftiness. Sure the sound of knife scraping against bone is disturbing,
but I admire the guts that these took. And it helps that I can put them in the context
of some very wonderful and POSITIVE stories. I believe that these topics were chosen
for Edeyn by circumstances, that the old adage "write or perish" might never be
truer than in her life. But the skill with which these were done, well I guess that's
subjective, why one string of words is better than another, but I see these as showing
a hell of a lot of talent. And Edeyn is not hung up on, does not revel in negativity.
The wonderful relationships in Sk8r Grrls shows that. When she choses to write
joyful poems these will be excellent too, fresh and full of great imagery
and free of cliches. I am pretty damn sure of this...
[And Edeyn- I can't do a poem by poem critique right here because I can't SEE
them from here. But you'll get them within a few days, a week at tops.
I'm still trying to finish my contest submission...]
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Poetry is not PC
It can't be. As said above, it's too real and raw and personal, a glimpse into personal spaces that maybe shouldn't be looked at... and certainly not without good cause or invitation. But then that's part of the writing thing isn't it.
It's strange... the word choices may not be mine nor the emotions...exactly. And yet...there are places where you rub against a memory or a glimpse of one. Not the same maybe, but recognisable. Hell they're personal so of course... and yet... every now and then you walk into the mirror.