Bits of songs and broken drums
Are all he could recall
So he spoke to me
In a bastard tongue
Carried on the silence of the guns
"It's been a long long time
since they first came
And marched through our village
They taught us to forget our past
And live the future in their image"
They said
'You should learn to speak a little bit of English
Don't be scared of a suit and tie.
Learn to walk in the dreams of the foreigner
-- I am a Third World Child
The Outworld's dreams are the currency
That grip the city streets
I live them out
But I have my own
Hidden somewhere deep inside of me
In between my father's fields
And the citadels of the rule
Lies a no-man's land which I must cross
To find my stolen jewel.
Wo ilanga lobunzima
Nalo liyashona
Ukuthini asazi
Musa Ukukhala
Bits of songs and broken drums
Are all he could recall
But the future calls his name
Out loud
Carried on the violence of the guns
Third World's Child
Why must men fight over the color of the skin, sex of the other or over what the other has? It makes no sense to me. I too was a victim of bigotry because of my size. I fought back,now those same bigots are in prison because they never learned peace.
May Your Light Forever Shine
why does man do some of the
why does man do some of the things he does
honestly i do not know other
What MAN Does
at times causes hurt and pain. If only MAN would choose PEACE, then we would have
May Your Light Forever Shine
I cannot answer that and whilst I agree with Stan, that if man would only choose peace, we wouldn't have all the trouble we do, I cannot see it happening.
Generally, the people here have a sensitivity that many so called normal people don't have. This is partly because simply put, they have to come to terms with being different and being different can have a very positive effect on their view of others.
Unfortunately, this being different doesn't always sit well and as we saw in yesterday's comments with silk purse, some don't have the strength to see it through.
Now the people who call themselves 'normal' mostly find anything that doesn't wrap up neatly and fit in their predefined little boxes, hard to understand and tolerate.
So what do they do?
They fight it, with ridicule and torment or worse.
Now if you think we are all different, whether it's because of our religious leanings, the fact that we're not religious, we have different colour skin, speak a different language, wear different clothes - anything, this treatment or maltreatment escalates.
We have it all over the world. The Middle Eastern states call us westerners infidels and in the main, we are just as 'polite' in return. The Protestants don't get on with the Catholics, Yanks hate the Reds, the English hate the French and so it goes on.
Because they all do things differently, that's why. Let's face it the Americans call their country the United States and yet they can't agree on one set of rules for everyone - how united is that? Whichever state you're in, you get a different set of rules.
We all have different priorities and as much as we hate to admit it, sometimes the hatred that fuels the wars and conflicts are just down to a lack of understanding and tolerance. Most Christians think what you all do is wrong and it brings out a side of them that we all think is wrong - intolerance.
Many groups in this country have the same discriminatory tactics on their agenda and are too small minded to simply live and let live or be tolerant of and I think that's the crux of the matter, whether it be religion, sexual or gender preference - we should all learn tolerance.
Should we turn to religion perhaps?
Well since most of the wars are started over something like religion, perhaps that's not such a good idea as some religions are not particularly tolerant of others, which seems like a contradictions doesn't it?
In Wicca they don't have ten commandments - just one:
Eight words of the creed fulfil
If it harms none, do as you will.
It's simple, but everso effective and perhaps that's what we need - a return to simplicity. Rather than dolling it all up in fancy terms, the "do unto others as you would be done by" is possibly a mantra that even so called religious people could do with giving a shot.
It's panreligious, pancolour and paneverythingelseyoucanthinkof - as Frank Zappa said, "One size fits all".
Peace cannot happen without people taking a more tolerant view of the others around them.
Then we might just have a chance...