Death of Michael Galyen

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My baby brother died tonight.

He was only 16.

At around 11:45pm tonight it happened, and I found out about an hour later, having been home about an hour. So it happened about the time I got home.

Michael Andrew Galyen

My baby brother that I held when he was brought home from the hospital (at three months old due to complications) and promised that I'd protect him.

My baby brother that would hug me anyway, despite being "too old for hugs" and would roll his eyes at me.

My baby brother that would introduce me to his friends as his "big sister Edeyn" and grin at me.

He was walking to school Monday morning (10 September 2007). Where he lived had a front door only 100 yards from the school's front door. The road to the high school does NOT have sidewalks or even a designated area for students to walk, so he was in the ditch. He paused to wave hello at his pastor's wife (who was bringing her son to school) at 7:27am. He was run down by a speeding car driven by an 80-year old man. The driver never even touched his brakes according to witnesses, and left the scene. Michael was hit by the front of the car, thrown into the air where he flipped twice, bounced off the rear bumper and face-planted into the ditch. The medics on the scene had to radio the helicopter to land in the school's soccer field, because Michael wouldn't have survived the half-mile trip to the helipad. The police arrived on the scene and were taking statements 20 minutes after the accident, when the driver came back. Blood was still on his hood and windshield. The medics in the helicopter spent nearly an hour just stabilizing him enough to be flown to intensive care an hour away by car. The police took the driver's statement and allowed him to drive home. The driver still has not been charged with ANYTHING. Hit and Run. No. Leaving the scene of an accident. No. Vehicular Manslaughter. No. Speeding. No. Speeding in a School Zone. No. Stupidity. No. I arrived in Springfield, Missouri, where the hospital he was being treated at is located, at around 11pm Monday night. There was no real positive change through Wednesday morning, but there was also no negative change. The doctors had shifted from speaking about, "... if he survives..." to "... quality of life..." Apparently, about the time I left the hospital for the bus station (2pm, Wednesday, September 12, 2007) things suddenly changed for the worst, and he went downhill fast.

No designated walking area, city council turning down a grant proposal to have sidewalks put in, 80 year old driver going 70 in a School Zone during the time most kids will be there, police trying to cover for a reckless driver with no business on the road in the first place...

Intellectually, I know I've slipped into shock. I don't believe I could care less.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

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