My baby brother died tonight.
He was only 16.
At around 11:45pm tonight it happened, and I found out about an hour later, having been home about an hour. So it happened about the time I got home.
My baby brother that I held when he was brought home from the hospital (at three months old due to complications) and promised that I'd protect him.
My baby brother that would hug me anyway, despite being "too old for hugs" and would roll his eyes at me.
My baby brother that would introduce me to his friends as his "big sister Edeyn" and grin at me.
He was walking to school Monday morning (10 September 2007). Where he lived had a front door only 100 yards from the school's front door. The road to the high school does NOT have sidewalks or even a designated area for students to walk, so he was in the ditch. He paused to wave hello at his pastor's wife (who was bringing her son to school) at 7:27am. He was run down by a speeding car driven by an 80-year old man. The driver never even touched his brakes according to witnesses, and left the scene. Michael was hit by the front of the car, thrown into the air where he flipped twice, bounced off the rear bumper and face-planted into the ditch. The medics on the scene had to radio the helicopter to land in the school's soccer field, because Michael wouldn't have survived the half-mile trip to the helipad. The police arrived on the scene and were taking statements 20 minutes after the accident, when the driver came back. Blood was still on his hood and windshield. The medics in the helicopter spent nearly an hour just stabilizing him enough to be flown to intensive care an hour away by car. The police took the driver's statement and allowed him to drive home. The driver still has not been charged with ANYTHING. Hit and Run. No. Leaving the scene of an accident. No. Vehicular Manslaughter. No. Speeding. No. Speeding in a School Zone. No. Stupidity. No. I arrived in Springfield, Missouri, where the hospital he was being treated at is located, at around 11pm Monday night. There was no real positive change through Wednesday morning, but there was also no negative change. The doctors had shifted from speaking about, "... if he survives..." to "... quality of life..." Apparently, about the time I left the hospital for the bus station (2pm, Wednesday, September 12, 2007) things suddenly changed for the worst, and he went downhill fast.
No designated walking area, city council turning down a grant proposal to have sidewalks put in, 80 year old driver going 70 in a School Zone during the time most kids will be there, police trying to cover for a reckless driver with no business on the road in the first place...
Intellectually, I know I've slipped into shock. I don't believe I could care less.
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
My sympathy; my tears. If I knew a way to give more I would, Edeyn.
All my love,
You have my prayers
Normally, as a Christian, I say forgive. But this [My anger at the injustice keeps me from saying anything to describe the object]
You deserve to see justice done. I do not care what it costs the "OBJECT" !!!
Somebody precious to you was taken away from you in a most , I can't go on, forgive me, I have seen too much death.
But you need to remember, You are alive!! Seek the JUSTICE you so rightly deserve. Do not let his attorneys soften his crime. He killed with his car. DEATH is what he merits.
If there was a way to exchange his life for the oone he slaughtered, THAT would be JUSTICE.
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'm So Sorry
Please accept my deepest condolences.
I have no suggestions as for what to do in this time of grief, except grieve.
Anger, frustration and fury are appropriate, too, but grief trumps all in times like this. You have suffered a horrible, horrible loss.
I am so sorry.
Reading this I am full of disbelief, anger and most of all tears. Our prayers are with you.
I am so very sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money.
-- Moliere
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
What a bunch of idiots
If you leave the scene it is hit and run, period, even if you come back later. 70 or 80 MPH in a school zone -- as proven by your brother's injuries -- in many states would be enough points to lose or come close to losing one's licence. Did they test him for intoxication?
Is the old git a friend of the mayor or the Police? How many more will he kill before they take away the licence and car? There is always the posiblity of a civil suit against Mr Magoo and the city but you shouldn't need to do that. Sad to say there seems to be this attitude among legislators and others in government that a bad old driver should be treated far more leniently than a bad young driver. The theory being the old person only goes to the doctor/store and church AND they vote.
You have every right to be angry but try to find something positive in it, remember the good times and if the town tries to put up a monument or worse, a sidewalk in honor of your brother, sue their pants off.
I'm so sorry.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I want to see as much good come from his death as possible. If it gets a sidewalk put in there so this doesn't happen to any other kid, and they want to name it after my brother, so be it
The largest attorney firm in all of southwest Missouri has the Senior Partner acting as my mother's lawyer in the case. Aaron Sachs of Aaron Sachs and Associates. The richest and most powerful man in the county was our Dad's (who died last year) best friend. Fires are being lit under the police now
There is currently a bill in the Missouri legislature that would require all drivers age 65 or older to yearly take the same driving portion of the driving exam as someone getting a license for the first time. If this gets that passed, good. Maybe they'll call it the Michael Law
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
I hope it happens
That would be a worthwhile legacy, both a safer way to school and retesting drivers as they age. Both would save many lives.
We had a terrible hit and run in this part of Wisconsin a few years back. A man on a well lit bicycle was killed in light fog by a drunk EMT who had additional police connections. They got him eventually -- the conspiracy fell apart -- but it left a bad smell in the community. I beleive an belond legal problems some of the EMTs buddies got kicked out of office.
If you feel the need to vent, whatever please PM me or others here if it will help you.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
How terrible.
You have my sympathy and are in my prayers.
BE a lady!
Oh My God!
*hugs Edeyn Tightly. Edeyn.,.. I am so sorry for you :*~ dammit! what is wrong with that town????? You have my sympathies, love, and prayer. We here at BigCloset are your family and are here to help get you through this sister. You are never alone. If you need someone to talk to, I and Erin will be here for you. I am pming you my phone number.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
My deepest sympathies. Your loss is immeasurable.
Please seek grief counseling. If you can't afford it, ask the school or the city to provide it for you.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
When I heard I had to come back and offer you my sincere sympathies. I know how much this hurts, this is the same way my Robyn died, struck down in a school zone by a reckless driver. Words can not begin to take away the pain you are feeling, but if you need to vent, or just open up to someone, PM John in Wauwatossa or Angharad or Angela Rasch, they have my permission to give you my gmail address. Feel free to write me.
I'm sure in the end justice will be served, but that hardly matters. The loss of someone you loved leaves a hole in your heart that will be a long time healing. If I can help in any way, just give a shout.
Take care of yourself and remember, we all love you.
Virtual hugs,
Karen J. Taylor
Edeyn My Deepest Sympathizes
I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. I only hope justice is done for your brother, and the powers that be take care of the area to save other kids from being in danger.
oh god ...
oh god ... oh god ...
*clamping jaw shut to stop myself from repeating*
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I feel so shocked and helpless and angry and ... and he's not even my brother. I guess that probably sounds pretty dumb. But he's the brother of someone I care lots about, which is enough for me.
Heather Rose Brown
Author of Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure
Words are so inadequate
There are no words that can convey the sadness for you.
Hugs, Brian
it sucks...
...that you're hurting like this, and that words on a screen seem so inadequate to say what I want them to. Sympathy, God yes! What everyone else here has said, and is feeling, and I'm sure there are hundreds more who haven't commented. You're such a positive force around here Edeyn, you've touched the hearts, brightened the lives of so many people; it makes this tragedy seem all the more fucked up.
He sounds like a wonderful brother. Tears and Hugs, Laika.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
re: your sad loss.
Please accept my deepest sympathies for your sad loss, may you and your family find peace in this time of difficulty.
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
I am so sorry.
I am so sorry to hear about this. I do not know how you feel but I do hope that God will comfort you and keep you.
My deepest sympathies for you and your loss.
You are in my thoughts
Nothing can make the hurt go away from a loss like this, but I grieve with you.
I hope you and your family find the comfort you need right now.
Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)
Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.
I pray for justice
I hope the old fart gets what is coming to him.
I am so sorry for your loss.
There are no words
That's truly horrible. He didn't deserve that.
Here's the local news coverage with a picture. He looks like a nice kid. It even has a video report you can click on. It says the driver isn't going to be charaged because he was passing another car at the time, but all the pictures they're showing of the road have a double yellow line down the middle.
Edeyn, I hope you're somewhere surrounded by people who love you.
I am sorry to hear of your loss
All states should require older drivers to retest for their licences.I can understand their unwillingness to let go of the freedom of driving but the lives of the innocent are far more important.Might I point out even with side walks this tradgedy could have still happened.I believe school areas should have sidewalks and jersey barriers.While jersey barriers sound like going overboard they would protect the children in several ways.First it protects them from a car running up on the sidewalk.Second it could act as a deterent and protection from a child abductor.Third it would act as a shield to prevent children from wandering or running out in the street without looking.Breaks in the barrier say at the front of the school and at cross streets with monitors would also help ensure the childrens safety.Again I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and you and your family will be in my prayers.Amy