There is a "Darkness" that intrudes into our souls
It takes on many forms and torments us until we can overcome it.
Some call this "Darkness" Satan, or other symbols of "Ultimate Evil."
Some call it The "ID" or "Super Ego".
Some totally ignore the religious aspect and focus upon the "Facts."
By whatever method used, There is hope in battling the "Darkness."
Even when it changes, We can "Over Come."
For when it changes, we have achieved a "Victory."
I have battled the darkness in my life. For me, it began when I was raped as a teen. I took on the form of guilt and shame over the rape.
Only the love and acceptance of friends in the church helped me to battle it.
Then, going to the doctor for gastric bypass, I was put on a special regimen of pills to help me lose weight.
The pills did work. I began to feel better, able to take on the world.
Then I stopped taking the pills. Now I know I need them to be a complete person.
Uh ...
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
Whoah, Stanman! Lighten up! And I don't say this to insult or belittle you, but as a practical suggestion for dealing with the darkness in the soul. The darkness only has as much power as you give it. A head-on battle with it is only going to get you mired in it. Tell it "thanks for sharing" and then laugh at how ridiculous it is, because it is not the Truth. Satan is a punk compared to the real Boss of Everything...
This approach works for me, but I can't say whether this would be helpful to your situation or not; and I don't wanna come on like some big mouth know-it-all Tom Cruise here with a blanket solution to everyone's stuff. So PLEASE talk to a pastor, counsellor or psychologist, someone who knows more about all this than me, because I'm basically the village idiot here at BC...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Who is this "we"?? I can't tell if this is religious-babble or psycho-babble?? Either way I'm not buying what your selling...
If I'm Reading This Correctly
If by "darkness" you mean GID and you're saying we should strive to overcome its evil, you and I are headed toward a free-for-all.
The only evil in GID is the guilt and shame felt because of the nonsense perpetrated by those who don't know and will not learn.
If you don't mean GID, why did you post this on this site?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)