... to Pluto vs. traveling to Proxima Centauri
This YouTube video, Why Is It So Hard To Get To Pluto And Proxima Centauri?, tries to answer the eponymous question. A commenter gave the analogy, "Walking from Houston to Dallas and walking from Argentina to Alaska, swimming the Bering Strait, and then walking to South Africa".
Crunching the numbers, I discovered that this analogy was a bit off. If the trip to Proxima Centauri is represented by the walking tour from Argentina to South Africa, then the trip to Pluto is more like a two or three mile walk. (There's roughly factor of 7000.)
Another way to think of it: if one mapped out the stars within ten light-years of the Sun on an ordinary letter-sized sheet of paper, and used a ball-point-pen dot to represent the stars, our entire solar system, probably including the Kuiper Belt and Voyagers 1 and 2, but not the Oort Clouds, would be within the Sun's dot. On the other hand, Proxima Centauri and Alpha Centauri would be separate dots a millimeter or two apart.