Female to Male

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 15

What's a girl to do? The boy I thought I was falling for isn't mine anymore and I'm not sure I want the boy who is. The weight of this new reality presses down on me and I turn to the one person who might understand: Pee-Jay's mom.

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 13

Someone has used the wishing stone. What changes have they brought into my reality? How will me and my friends be affected? What does it take for a new girl to catch a break?

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 12

Lee and I finally get some much needed alone time. Am I ready to experience all that being a girl has to offer? Or will my good time end in disaster?

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 10

My first party as the increasingly popular Pee-Jay. I wanted to mingle, show off in my bikini, and maybe play some water polo with the handsome Lee Taylor. Instead, I discover things might not be as rosy as I'd originally thought.

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 9

Cheer practice, home life, and date night. Oh my! As the second day slowly comes to an end, I'm finding out more about the girl I never was and learning more about the girl I am now.

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 8

My second day as Penelope continues. Turns out there are more users of the wishing stone than I knew. Including the one girl I really do not like. Plus, a big event is planned for after school.

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 6

My first day of school as Penny comes to a close. Now I have to deal with a bunch of new feelings as well as try to figure out what I'm going to do about my lack of cheerleading skills. Not to mention dealing with my budding relationship with the handsome football player.

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 5

The school day continues! What will I do about Penny's relationship with Lee? Should I be worried about the phone call from Jen? Am I really ready to venture into the mystical realm of the girls' locker room?

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 4

My school day as Penelope continues as I find out what the wish did to Cindy and some others. I also discover some disturbing evidence that I might have become more than just a girl on the outside.

A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 2

It's my first day as Penelope, and I need to focus on learning the do's and don'ts of my new reality. However, I might have bigger problems than just suddenly being pretty and popular. It's possible my secret isn't all that secret.

The Silent Girl I

Mary, the new student, is a rich heiress to her family's company and estate but can't speak. Liz befriends and defends Mary from bullies while discovering her secret: Mary is cursed. Liz works to unravel the mystery of the curse before Mary undergoes an operation that will silence her voice permanently.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.22

“What the fuck just happened?” Grace had a confused look on her face.

Their SUV just shut down in the middle of the road. Anthony was trying to restart it, but nothing was happening. The next thing the two of them feel is an explosion.

All the glass on the SUV cracked from the explosion. The SUV rocks again, as another explosion hits it. Grace tries opening her door, but it wouldn’t open “my door won’t open.”

Anthony tries his as well, but it wouldn’t open as well “mine won’t open either.”

“Strawberry Whipped” Chapter One “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” (starter)


When your girlfriend tells you she needs space it’s always a bad thing.
Nothing good ever comes from that phrase.

Of course, when your boyfriend tells it to you its worse.
It’s a multiplying, majorly monumental stress fit.

It’s Hard Being A Wife

Dakota looks at her reflections in the mirror as she adjusted her new nursing bra. The medication her sister-in-law prescribed for her to produce her own breasts milk have made them bigger. It was causing her breasts to produce milk for the twins her and Terry adopted from a former costumer of theirs. The twins were causing her to produce more in order to feed them.

“How a natural woman goes through their whole entire natural life wearing a bra, I’ll never know.” Dakota knows she’ll never be able to pass as a man again, without binding her chest.

Worst Case Scenario

Worst Case Scenario

Author’s note: this one is sort of inspired by the anime “Simoun” but does not take place in that world. There is a reference to suicide at the start, so read with care.

I stood on the highest point of the bridge I could, trying to steel myself for the jump.

From here, I could see most of Cuan City. I could see the dome where our governor ruled, the massive mansions, the beautiful parks, and the bay that the city is named after.

Ian, part 15

“Okay, then,” I say to myself, before taking a deep breath and walking through the front door of the large, imposing building. For the first time in two years, I’m entering a place of education that’s based in London- only unlike that last time, I’m doing so on my own terms.

Off Time - Chapter 2 - Who's Adrian? - The Saga of Adrianne

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

This is a branch or fan fiction from my book Adrian - The Saga of Adrianne. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is without reading the book.


Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Chapter 2

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Chapter 2

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the fourth and final story in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around”, “Marti and the Doppelganger”, and Marti and the Doppelganger – a Follow Up”. Several of the stories in the Cynthia Chronicles left some unanswered questions. In “Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling” two of the antagonists are regressed to childhood. Now we will learn what happened to them. In “Randi and the College Professor” Randi and Frank Deere adopt Betty, a bit of a rogue witch. Betty was regressed to early childhood, but she kept her powers. As it turns out, Betty was a real blessing. We also learn a bit more about Cindy’s first born who is the first new wizard in probably close to a thousand years. Then there is a question that has been floated about. What about death?

Remember Betty? She was the young witch who tried to break up the romance between Randi Lewis and Frank Deere. She didn’t know there were other witches and had never had any formal training until she found a book of programmed learning for witches. She doesn’t understand her power and makes some significant, far reaching mistakes. Betty is given a second chance, and now she is the adopted daughter of the two people she tried to break apart. Things are going quite well as we shall see.

Feral Saga Chapter 1 - Sin


Feral Saga Chapter 1 - Sin
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

Our blockbuster debut issue is a little more serious in tone as we get some things set up and it gets right into some controversy. There’s a body swap and sex between consenting adults. They just didn’t consent to have sex the way it ends up happening. Of course, it’s also a dream...

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.13

“Hey Doctor, we’ve had a special request come through.” Security Guard Flannery was pulling on a black dog leash attached to a collar around a young girl's neck with long curly black hair.

Dr. Heath turns around to the sound of Flannery’s voice “who is requesting the special request and what do they want?”

“Senator Biggs and he wants you to turn his lesbian of a daughter into a boy.” Flannery yanks on the leash. The teenage girl he had been pulling along on it, comes stumbling into the medical center.

What's the Matter With You: Part 5

What’s the Matter With You: Part 5

By Camospam, editing by Wendy K.

The third story in the ‘It Matters’ series following the adventures of Outlook.

A Non-Canon Whateley Universe Story.

February 28, 2008
Highway outside Montreal

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson-Alternate Ending

(I've been wanting to do this for a while. I know some of you may have forgotten about my previous stories, as I wrote them FOREVER ago, but, well, they're still up for you to read. This is an alternative ending to Olivia and Sage Vs. Miss Johnson-which, in itself, is an extended ending to New Home. But if you've read all those, then you should be familiar with the characters.)

What's the Matter With You: Part 3

What’s the Matter With You: Part 3

by Camospam, editing by Wendy K

The third 'It Matters' story following the adventures of Outlook, based in the Whateley Academy Universe.

“Cameron Burke will immediately submit himself to the Mutant Commission Office for testing!” the gavel’s bang affirmed the judges pronouncement.

A Vial Mistake Part 1

A Vial Mistake
E. M. Pisek

     At a bar a man tells of where he and his wife still wished for a family as they approached old age and his wife's beginnings of menopause. The bartender, with different shades of eyes, offers a possible solution.

Deep Cover - Epilogue






Scott looked over at the mousy brunette seated across from him and sipped his coffee.  It was hard to believe it had been two weeks since he’d seen her last.  She was dressed in a light sundress and sandals and had applied makeup for the first time since Scott knew her.  She adjusted her sunglasses and took a sip of the mocha leaving bright pink lipstick on the rim. 

“This is nice.” 

Deep Cover Chapter 6



Chapter Six



The shadows were long and dark drenching the landscape and giving the estate a gothic old world feel.  Solomon standing on the mansion’s third floor veranda looked up at the moon with unseeing eyes. 

“How is it possible?” 


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