
Byline chapter 3

Byline chapter 3

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Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Bang! ‘Freak!’ Bang! ‘Weirdo!’ Bang! ‘Faggot!’

Bobby Simpson was preparing to hit my head off the school locker when a large pair of hands grabbed him around the neck and lifted him off the ground.

‘Stop hitting him!’

Bobby gurgled in response.

‘Do you know who I am?’

‘You’re Beatrice the Beast’.

‘Call me that one more time and you’ll wake up in hospital.’

She dropped Bobby who stumbled, just avoided a face-plant and ran whimpering around the corner of the corridor.

‘You saved my life. My hero!’

Sam and Del -5- My dad must be crazy...

Back home with his new hairstyle, Sam faces his dad, prepared for a lecture. But then things go off the rails....

Sam and Del
by Erin Halfelven

5. My dad must be crazy...

Wayward Part-6

Part Six



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.


Sam and Del -4- My mom is up to something...

Sam's mom offers to take him to a hair salon, a place where they "really respect hair". Reluctantly, Sam agrees but if he sees any scissors, he's out of there...

Sam and Del
by Erin Halfelven

4. My mom is up to something...

Sam and Del -3- Salons are actually kinda cool...

Sam's long hair and his refusal to cut it keeps causing him problems. His smart mouth doesn't help. Defending himself, he sent another boy to the hospital. The school punishes him with suspension but what are his parents going to do?...

Sam and Del
by Erin Halfelven

3. Salons are actually kinda cool...

Sam and Del -2- I'm in so much trouble...

Sam's long hair and his refusal to cut it has caused him problems. His smart mouth hasn't helped. Attacked in the locker room by Leon, Sam defended himself and through luck or happenstance, left Leon out cold and bleeding on the floor...

Sam and Del
by Erin Halfelven

2. I'm in so much trouble...

Sam and Del -1- Everyone Thinks I'm Strange

Sam is constantly in trouble for wearing his hair long. Really long. And it's beautiful hair. Cutting it would be bad luck for someone and leaving it long is bad luck for Sam...

Sam and Del
by Erin Halfelven

Casey's Halloween

Casey's Halloween is my first post. This is a backstory from the novel I'm writing. In the novel, Casey is an adult and remembers the Halloween he first dressed as a girl. I had hoped to get this story out in time for Halloween but the universe had other plans.

I hope you enjoy the story. Feedback is welcomed.


Queer -1- Montana



1. Montana
by Morgan Preece

I'd been called queer practically ever since I started school, but I didn't really find out what it meant until seventh grade. This was back when gay still meant happy to most people, and queer was an insult.

Wayward Part-5

Part Five



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.


USB - Unexplained Sexual Behaviour Chapter 1

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Chapter One -- Gamer in a Suit

Taylor Averille finds a magical USB which promises him a life changing manifestation that will grant him happiness and fortune. Taylor has been trying to get his startup off the ground. Maybe the magical USB can help? What has he got to lose?

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 16

I couldn't stand the thought of being in the house alone with Ben so as quickly as I had gone in, I'd taken a change of clothes and left. I hated the way his eyes followed me everywhere when I went in the house so although I didn't want to be around Doug and the others after what had just happened, I had no choice.

The outfit I'd chosen was a simple one. It was a peach crop top paired with a black skater skirt. I'd kept on the same pair of flip flops as before.

The Magic Tattoo

The Magic Tattoo
With thanks to The Who for their music.

My brother Zack was two years older than me and a universe away in body. That is to say that he had a body like Mr Universe and I didn’t. I looked up to him as a role model and he made sure I, as a runt, didn’t get bothered much.

Me and my brother were talking to each other
'Bout what makes a man a man
Was it brain or brawn, or the month you were born
We just couldn't understand

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 15

It was morning when I opened my eyes again. I quickly scanned the room for Ben. He sat in the corner and seemed to be sleeping. They'd tied him up tightly and sometime last night, he'd calmed down. I brought my hand to my neck which still hurt badly. I had difficulty breathing properly and was nursing a terrible headache but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't be mad at him.

He was sick. Maybe Ollie had been too, I didn't know. I couldn't even pretend that the island hadn't affected me too. That dream was proof of that even if I hadn't had another one since then.

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 14

Ben's eyes told so much but his lips said nothing. He simply stared at us with that broken expression that had become his trademark.
In a quick action, he turned and sprinted away.

I started to follow but Mikey held me back, "don't" he said shaking his head briefly.

"He's going to go tell everyone!" I protested.

"Let him" he replied simply.

I looked up at him and he smiled. My eyes grew watery from dealing with so much emotion. He brought his face forward and kissed me on my forehead lightly before pulling me into a tight hug.

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 13

"Tommy, it's me" I said with a smile enveloping my face.

"Ben! Tommy!" I heard Mikey yell to my right before full sprinting to hug our two teammates.

"Mikey! Is that really you? Are you really here?" Ben asked with tears in his eyes as the two boys broke apart.

"It's me. After the wave, we didn't know what happened to you two" he replied as he hugged the other boy. I closed the gap.

"What about everyone else?" Tommy asked with urgency.

"Everyone from our life boat is here too. Safe. But we don't know where the other boats washed up"

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 12

I woke up with a deep gasp clawing at the air around me. Successive heavy inhales of the cold, damp air caused me to let out wild coughs.
I was disoriented but my back, the base of my skull and forehead all hurt too badly to ignore.
I recoiled from the pain and all my sensations coming back all at once. My hearing followed suit and I recognized the sound of heavy rainfall.

"Where am I?" I thought to myself trying to ignore the pain. "I feel terrible".

A Girl for Halloween: A Slow and Sweet Gender Realization Story


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 


Written by: Mysterious Stranger AKA Jennifer Sweet

After finding part-time work at the local Halloween Costume store, Jason quickly learns the rule that employees must wear costumes while on the job, allowing him to explore his feminine side for the first time in his life. How far will he go?

An edited, tidied-up version of this Thirteen-Chapter story is now available on Amazon for Kindle and other online reading! Thank you for all the love you've given this story over the years :)

Link to story:

Wayward Part-4

Part Four



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.


Butterscotch -9- Smiles

“Rescue time, girls,” Marjorie said. “Baby sister Kissy here just graduated from being a tomboy, and she has a hot date tonight!”

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by Erin Halfelven

Butterscotch -7- Breathless

I’m out with my girlfriend, who happens to be a lesbian, so of course, I’m dressed as a girl. It didn’t make any sense at all, but it had a certain logic. We were just about to step off the curb when some guy stopped in front of us.

He was a bit of a blob but a big one. Six foot two or so, at least 300 pounds, with a Tony Stark beard and ‘stache and Hispanic coloring, he pointed at me. “Samantha!” he said. “You play Sam on ‘Days of Our World’!”

“I—what? No, I don’t!” I protested.

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by Erin Halfelven

Butterscotch -6- Tight

“Is there an animal you think is particularly like you?”

I blinked. What an odd question. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? “An animal? Uh—a chipmunk?”

She turned to grin at me. “I believe it,” she said.

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Wayward Part-3

Part Three



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.


Wayward Part-2

Part Two



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.


Not TECHNICALLY Crossplay | Chapter 1 of ?

Alex stared at the mirror, trying to size up his potential cosplay.

I think having my hair like this should work. And I think that plucking my eyebrows helped. I should probably watch some makeup tutorials though.

Wayward Part-1

Part One



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.




Audience Rating: 




Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.



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