Age Regression


by Ellie Dauber (c) 2003

The Ace-High Lounge was in its early evening lull, between the “I’ll just stop off for a quick drink on the way home” crowd and the “Let’s go out tonight and have a few drinks” crowd. A few people were scattered here and there through the room, trying to decide which group they wanted to be in.

A beefy man, about forty, in a police uniform, walked in and headed quietly over to the bar. “Your boss around?” he asked the bartender.

“In the office,” the bartender said. “You want I should get him?”

Forgotten: Chapter 10

There was simply too much going through my head to go back to sleep, so I stayed up. My name, my true name, was, if those figures could be trusted, Jamie. It wasn’t that bad of a name, so that was good. But still, those figures, they screamed it out in anger and pain. What happened? What did I do? Most importantly, what was the Dark Place? The last time, I assumed that I was dreaming, and that place was a representation of my mind. Now, I was sure that I wasn’t dreaming. This raised the question: if I wasn’t dreaming, then what was I doing?

Soul Survivor

Originally presented on Wed, 2006/08/09

What is life but a journey along an unmapped route toward a certain and inevitable destination? What would you do to tread a different path than the one you have walked so far?

Soul Survivor

by Dr. Richard K. Phillips

The Guardians - The Awakening - Chapter 3

Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month, and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening
Chapter 3

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Light's Promise


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Light's Promise

Light's Promise

by Erisian

Book 2

Having survived gryphons, demons, and wearing skirts and pantyhose, Jordan thinks she is ready for the upcoming term at Whateley Academy, school for mutants, metas, and apparently angels.

Now if her niece Danielle would just arrive.

But the legacy of Heaven has only begun to toss her life around like a leaf in a hurricane, reaching out from the past to shove Jordan beyond the world into ancient struggles beyond her comprehension.

Between corrupted mutant-hunting agents, manipulative fallen angels, and deadly Fae Queens, Jordan has her hands full trying to keep one step ahead of events threatening to crush her heart.

If only she could have stayed home and held her cat instead.

Role Reversal (10 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Ten of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Thursday, June 16, 2022:

Snrxl and I had a nice chat last night. I told him about how Butch is doing such a good job of embracing his role, and he said that Butch wasn't the only one who needed those experiences to properly embrace his persona. After our training session, I did the usual ten seconds and down for the count thing. I have come to really enjoy that.

Role Reversal (09 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Nine of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Sunday, June 12, 2022:

I woke again in Butch's loving embrace. For the third time in a row, I was unable to sneak away quietly. He was already awake, watching me as I pretended to sleep.

Princess Part-2

Princess. Part 2
by Princess Pantyboy

(All i added a few paragraphs from part one so my story would be easier to read since it has been awhile. I hope and pray you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess)

I look at my new mommy thinking no way i want to wear a diaper leaving here. “Umm mommy i really dont want to wear a diaper, It wouldn’t fit under my clothes anyway.”

Role Reversal (08 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Eight of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022:

Butch and I slept cuddled against each other last night. That's as far as it went. We were tempted to do more, but felt that we just weren't ready.

Role Reversal (07 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Seven of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

* * * * *

Jack, Harry, and Jock were drinking beer and laughing about how they beat the crap out of that cross-dressing pervert when they saw a bright light outside the front door. They went to investigate, and immediately felt their feet leave the ground. They tried to escape, but couldn't do a thing about it. They floated into what looked like a flying saucer -- kicking and screaming all the way.

Into The Light


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Into The Light

Into The Light

by Erisian

With the city overwhelmed by mutants, magic, and general mayhem, Justin Thorne just wanted to get home after a long day’s work to order pizza, ignore the heavy metal blasting from his niece's room, and feed the cat. Extended evening plans included a glass of sherry and playing video games until the ol’ carpal tunnel kicked in.

However the apocalyptic traffic clogging the freeways was the least of his worries. For when fate comes knocking on your door it comes as a tornado sent by a mad wizard to kidnap your niece and turn your lives completely upside down. You know things are beyond crazy when being told by the experts that you might not be precisely human pales in comparison to the insane changes already smacking you from the mirror.

Hunted by creatures straight out of legend, Justin and his niece must fight to survive a destiny which every day grows stranger still as it slowly encompasses not just this world but them all.

That sherry is going to need a bigger glass.

Role Reversal (06 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Six of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

There is some violence in this installment. It is brief, off-stage, and resolves well.

Friday, November 5, 2021:

I had a really strange dream last night. The strangest part is that I remember it so clearly. Dreams normally fade very soon after we wake up, but this one stayed with me.


by Princess Pantyboy

This is paradise a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages.

Role Reversal (05 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Five of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Day 98;
Wednesday, July 7, 2021:

I had to get up early and go to district court. I dressed in a demure white lacy dress that made me look very young and innocent. That was just for practice. The outcome of this hearing is pretty much set.

Into The Light - Part 1

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 1 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 1 - Emergence

When most people think of Los Angeles they think of traffic. Lots of traffic, with cars jammed onto the numerous freeways all creeping along like ants stuck in molasses trying to get every which way at speeds that cause everyone’s gas mileage to suffer horrible degradations. When just one of the main routes from the ‘westside’ to ‘the valley’ underwent construction that required its closing, the news media dubbed those weekends of closures ‘Carmageddon’.

Tonight’s traffic was infinitely more deserving of that name.

Role Reversal (04 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Four of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

I added the caution because there is an attempted rape. It is not explicit, and the would-be rapist ends up ruing the day he ever tried.

Day 63;
Wednesday, June 2, 2021:

Has it really been two months? Two periods, two months... I guess it makes sense. In that time, I have come to figure out a few things.

Role Reversal (03 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Three of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Day 24;
Saturday, April 24, 2021:

Jan had a long shift today. So, after the chores were done, I took my brothers, I mean my kids out to the lake for some fishing. I still can't drive a car, so I took the ute. That was just part of the adventure.

Role Reversal (02 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Two of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Day 3;
Saturday, April 3, 2021:

On the third day of my spring vacation, I woke up... Still a girl.

Valentine Gift

Valentine Gift
by Ellie Dauber
© 2003

Attorney Rebecca Sutton normally didn’t like getting gifts from her staff. She didn’t like this one—until she put it on and couldn’t get it off.

This is the second “Stavros” story.

Role Reversal (01 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part One of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.


Snrxl was working on the integration plan when Vrall walked into his office. "How goes the big plan?"

"Just finishing up."

Role Reversal

Role Reversal
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image
One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

The Many Faces Go To War 2

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 2”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Two: The Return of Magic

Notes: This is the second chapter of the sequel to “The Many Faces of Har---er, Adira Potter.” If you haven't read that series yet, this one isn't going to make much sense.

Also, a reminder for anyone who forgot: the person formerly known as Harry still exists, she's just transgender in this one, her new name is Adira.

Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Fem Bug Virus

Janice who used to be John rambles a bit of the last twenty years on how she finally became the woman she always wanted to be.

My midnight muse hit after reading a few of Morpheus's "Bug" stories.


by Ellie Dauber © 1999

Another old story posted here for the first time. This story is part of a set of stories about an old wizard named Stavros and his family that I'll be posting from time to time.

When Nick Lucas gets the promotion that Jeff Rayburn wanted, Jeff seeks a unique revenge.

by Ellie Dauber © 1999

Jeff Rayburn's phone buzzed. “Yeah,” he said, leaning over his desk.

“Boss wants you in his office in five minutes,” came the voice of Janie, his secretary.

Forgotten: Chapter 09

Early Saturday morning, I was digging underneath the bed I slept in. I don’t know why I was, maybe I was bored, maybe I was trying to forget the unpleasant experience the day before. Honestly, the classes after lunch were just as a bad, and I got no information about Lhasa. But now, digging underneath a bed gave me time to think about it and now, I really didn’t want to know what had happened to Lhasa. I was also rethinking the whole school thing.

The Guardians - The Awakening - Chapter 2

Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month, and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening
Chapter 2

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

The Guardians - The Awakening


Audience Rating: 


Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month, and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

The Guardians - The Awakening - Chapter 1

Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month, and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening
Chapter 1

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

I Soo Love Gymnastics!!!!!!

Hi My name is Kaleb, and I had quite a normal life. I had many friends at school and even got good grades. My Mom and Dad still lived together, and that means that I was from a stable home. I am sixteen years old, and I am looking forward to my birthday, when I become seventeen. Then I can decide more. Then what is the problem? Why this story?

Oh Were Shall I Wander? Chapter 3

Susannah and I stayed in the back office for over an hour, chatting about the recent odd events.

Eventually, I sighed, looked down at myself and said, "I need clothing that fits me, I look sooo silly in Anson's clothing!"

Susannah giggled and replied, "You could wear some of my clothes, but they'll be a bit large on you. Better than nothing for now."

I looked over at Susannah relaxing in the executive style office chair, "Comfortable, are you? That happens to be MY seat."

A New Life

"Whoo....Okay....i can do this...." Kaleb whispered, standing outside of the girl's restroom at school. There wasn't anybody in there, and this would be his only chance to finally enter a girl's restroom, as he never quite understood what was in there. As he was sure he heard someone approaching, he seized what could be the final opportunity and lunged into the girl's restroom and quickly jumped into a stall, shutting the door. "Whew...I'm in...." Kaleb whispered to himself, sure that the walls could hear him.

Little Girl Sitting

“But mom do I really have to take the twins to cheerleading practice again? All I do is drive them around. Ever since when I was in sixth grade until now; I am a high school freshmen now, I had to save all my baby-sitting money to buy this car.” 

I look at mom, she puts her hands on her hips and gives me that look which means if I say another word I am dead. “Now enough of that young man, I know you are 13-years-old now. I also know you think you are so grown up!” I watch as mom is staring eye to eye with me, which is never a good thing.

A Sisterly Bond

14 year old Kaleb made his 16 year old older sister mad one too many times. This time she's had enough of his antics find out what she does to make Courtney a better person and an Uber girly girl in this story of a sibling argument.

Forgotten: Chapter 08

“Remember to keep your knees together when you sit down,” the old lady reminded me while we were waiting to see the headmaster of Providence Meadows for the fourth time at 7:30 am. I wasn’t really in the mood to respond vocally, so I simply gave the old lady a look that translated into ‘yeah, I get it now, stop reminding me.’ But I still kept forgetting. My opinion of the skirt had changed a bit, a feeling I didn’t know how to describe, but I still felt exposed wearing it.

Forgotten: Chapter 07

Lacey was asked to come down to Harrisonburg to hang out with Bug for the day at 9 pm the night before by her grandmother. That request sparked a stern talk about why spending time with Bug was a very bad idea from her mother, directed at both her and her grandma. This stern talk turned into an argument between her and her mother which then led to an argument between her mom and her dad. Lacey could hear the argument, as her parents made no attempt to keep it quiet. Her father was for Lacey going to Harrisonburg to spend time with Bug, whereas her mother was completely against it.

Forgotten: Chapter 06

I was the happiest I had been since I first woke up on Frank’s farm. I wasn’t skipping around; rather, I was running as fast as I could. After my little fall, I made my way down the street that the old lady lived on to a secondary road that ran parallel to the main highway. The highway had a good amount of traffic on it, but the secondary road was deserted. As a bonus, the road stretched as a far as I could see, a good three or four miles. Plenty of room to fully stretch my legs.

Forgotten: Chapter 05

A week and a half later, I was still deeply bothered by Lacey’s revelation about my mind being sealed off. While I had gotten my mind reading somewhat under control, I still hadn’t gotten my emotions under control. And being stuck in this godforsaken tiny house didn’t help me. The old lady refused to let me leave the house. She herself didn’t even leave. Her neighbors brought her everything, or so she said. I never saw anybody enter the house and when I was allowed to walk into the backyard for fresh air, I never saw any neighbors.

The Many Faces Go To War 1

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 1”
By = Fayanora

Chapter One: Always On My Mind

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. But some canon scenes are just too good to change much. There's a lot of those in this one, but don't skim through or you'll miss things.

Forgotten: Chapter 04

The old lady made it extremely clear the following morning that I would be traveling with her to Front Royal to have Thanksgiving dinner with her extended family. It would be the first time in a very long time that her entire family would be together for something, and the old lady thought it would be a good experience for me.

Forgotten: Chapter 03

“Name me one good reason why I would tell you anything?” I inquired.

“Well…” Reaching into her bag, the old lady pulled out something that was wrapped in tinfoil. “I’ve got a sandwich for you.”

I eyed the sandwich, my mouth watering. I hadn’t eaten for nearly twenty hours and I was really hungry. Scare the shit out of me, then give me food? Well… “Even if I don’t tell you anything, can I still have the sandwich?” A stupid question. A really, really stupid question.


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