
The Miner's Wife

The Miner’s Wife
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Day One

Milky McGann found the boy on the trail and thought that he was dead. It seemed that his eyes were open and just staring at the dull grey sky like that of a dead man. He was lying in a pool of blood - perhaps there had been less lost than it seemed. But the face was white as if in shock rather than the slate color of death.

“If’n you’re hurt I’d better roll you over and see if’n you can’t be patched up,” said Milky, only half expecting a reply.

Masks 26: Part 13

Part Thirteen

What should have been a cleanup instead had the UN troops fighting a two-front battle. The only thing keeping the small UN force from quick defeat was that the other two groups were also fighting each other. Major Lee made the decision to have all his forces withdraw to the barracks. Where they were away from the focus of the firefight. The former hostages were very glad to set them.

The Other Side of Me - Part 25

The Other Side of Me – Part 25
by Lily Rasputin

“No,” I said, trying to inject nonchalance into my voice. “I didn’t forget. Uh, the time just sort of got away from me.”

There was a pause from Sam’s end, just long enough for me to wonder if she was mad that “I” had apparently forgotten we were supposed to get together today. If she was, I’d just have to find some way to put out that fire as well. After all, it wasn’t as if I could tell her that it wasn’t really me she’d made plans with.

Masks 26: Part 12

Part Twelve

Major Lee was a good commander; he knew how to yield gracefully to a situation. He put Vic in the group which was assigned the task of liberating the hostages. Unfortunately, as the group she was with made their cautious way towards the barracks, Vic made the mistake of getting in a hurry to rescue Michelle and moved ahead of the troops.

Swarms And Sisterhood Chapter 11

The next morning, Zack woke up to the sound of Lanie dropping her phone and cursing. Zack blinked and rose out of the bed he was sleeping in.

"Hey, Zoe's up," said Miles.

"What?" Zack looked down and realized that he'd shifted to Zoe in his sleep.

Lanie looked over and realized Zoe was now female. "Oh," she said. "I guess you changed before you went to bed?"

"No, sometimes I just shift gender in my sleep without intending to," said Zoe. "Want me to change back?"

"It's okay, you can be a girl for right now," said Lanie.

Masks 26: Part 11

Part Eleven

"We had just come to the same conclusion," said Major Lee, once Vic and Spivak reached his office at the UN headquarters building. "Our drone team noted the activity there, and pegged it as the location for the prisoners and those holding them. Don't worry; we kept the drone very high.

"We also found people near the north shore of the island, but they only number about a dozen. Presumably, they are there to secure the exit for the mercenaries. There are small boats hidden in the underbrush nearby."

"So we need to go scout."

Masks 26: Part 10

Part Ten

"What is this?" said Vic, angrily. "What is causing it? I mean, it can't be coincidence!"

A large part of her anger was due to Michelle being among those taken. The doctor replied while Vic, realizing she was on the verge of losing control, took a series of slow, deep breaths.


Kassidy leans back in the worn passenger seat inside the van. She looks over toward Jerry as he drives the van. She glances toward the back of the van and notices the rest of their band drunk or stoned out of their minds.

“Tonight was a total mess, Jerry.” Kassidy couldn’t believe how terrible the group sounded.

“I know, and I wish I had an explanation for what happened, but I don’t.” Jerry was pissed that the band did so badly tonight.

Masks 26: Part 9

Part Nine

Vic was trying something she had read about once. Starting a little less than an hour before class, with only a worried Michelle present, she climbed nimbly to the top of one of the basketball goals. Vic paused for a moment, balanced easily on the balls of her bare feet, eyes closed, at one end of the backboard. She had learned from a trial that the rim wasn't stiff or strong enough for what she wanted. Largely because of the flexible attachment.

She let herself fall forward, then pushed off and dove headfirst towards the hardwood floor. Eyes still closed.

A Glimpse Of Nylon Stocking - Chapter 3

A Glimpse of Stocking Closet.jpg

Chapter Three – Where’s Julian?

Donald takes on a case that leads him to discover Julian's secret life and Donald and Julie finally meet, although not under the the circumstances that either of them expected. The outcome is a revelation to them both and they are both surprised at what happens afterwards. Final chapter.

Masks 26: Part 8

Sorry this is a bit late. The contractor was here and his electrician kept turning off the electricity without warning. Fortunately, my computer is on a UPS but I still shut it down while they were doing electrical work.

Part Eight

Vic checked the mats, then straightened and nodded.

All for a story 16 - More surprises

Now recovered after her accident Jane sets about righting wrongs, while her life becomes entrenched at Bolton Manor. She continues to investigate and report on the corruption scandal, starts a new career, and learns to live with her gender-confused body.

Masks 26: Part 7

Part Seven

Captain Spaulding turned out to be Dr. Marie Spaulding. She was careful to explain that T.O.W.E.R.'s field medical people were referred to as Corpsmen (even though T.O.W.E.R. was not a corps) and were very well trained in both normal medicine and the medical needs of supers.

"That's good news," said Vic, nodding. "What about their - not just the medical people but all the T.O.W.E.R. personnel - physical conditioning?"

A Glimpse of Nylon Stocking

A Glimpse of Stocking Closet.jpg

Chapter One –Strangers on a Train

A man notices that another male passenger on his commuter train appears to be wearing nylon stockings under his trousers. The man becomes curious and fascinated as to why this would be so. This simple glimpse of nylon stocking changes two lives forever.

Masks 26: Part 6

I will not be posting over the New Year's weekend. The story will resume Monday the 2nd.

Part Six

The trip from airport to hotel was... interesting. Some structures - including the actual pavement of most side streets - had obviously not been completed, and nearly all of the construction showed serious signs of deterioration. Michelle found herself appreciative of the air conditioning in the car. It removed both much of the heat and most of the smell of decay.

"Reminds me of some sections of Detroit," said Michelle, quietly. "Though with less graffiti."

Kim To Kimberly - Ch. 4: "Kimberly" Meets Scott

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Kim To Kimberly

Chapter 4: “Kimberly” Meets Scott

One evening early the next week, Kim was sitting on the living room couch when Karen walked in.

“Hey, little sister,” she called out, “are you ready for another fabulous, feminine adventure this weekend? I’ve got something special in the works.”

Masks 26: Part 5

Part Five

At the Detroit Metro Airport the next day there was still one surprise for Michelle, though it was a minor one.

"'Victoria'?" said Michelle, looking over Vic's shoulder as her wife checked their luggage. "Oh, right; you changed it when we got married. I'm so used to everyone just calling you 'Vic' I forgot."

"Yielding as gracefully as I can to the inevitable," said Vic, a bit pompously.

Masks 26: Part 4

Part Four

The old bakery turned superhero lair was well-lit and well-ventilated these days. However, there were times when this pleasant environment did not suit the psychological atmosphere of the inhabitants. This was definitely the case when Blue Impact left her private corner, under the stairs, and came into the main part of the largest room of the structure. The other two members of Tricorne were sitting in the entertainment area, not watching TV.

Masks 26: Part 3

Part Three

A small hatch opened in the large, heavy door. Someone barely seen peered out.

"Are you one of Chuck's Children?" asked the low, gravelly voice.

"Rock and roll never forgets," proclaimed Vic, boldly.

"Enter," said the voice, as the door slowly opened with an ominous creak.

A Christmas Turnaround

It was a cold winters night, the week before Christmas. The sky was dark and mysterious with only the moon peeking through the snow-clouds. All the stores were closed and shuttered, all the streets were empty dark and bare. Nobody in the right mind was out and about on such a bitter unwelcoming night, the only sparks of life were the homeless shivering in shop doorways, wrapped in cardboard, paper, or whatever other items for warmth and protection that they could salvage.

I was just about to escape into sleep when I heard someone approach me. In the short time I had been sleeping rough I had come to learn it usually meant either Police who were normally ok as long as you moved on until they had left, Security guards who were a lot more intolerant brusque and even violent, or other rough-sleepers who were looking to steal the few possessions or scraps of food that I had.

However this one was different, it was a young woman, well wrapped up in warm winter clothes with her long-blonde hair peeking out from under her woolen hat and wearing a pleasant welcoming smile.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I found a canoe. I had taken a job for a few days cleaning out an old shed behind a house on the shore bought by somebody in the city. The realtor said that I could stay in the basement under the house for a few days and earn some cash for emptying the contents of the shed into a dumpster, sweeping the floors and wiping the place down.


A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

I was accompanying my girlfriend on a photoshoot. To be honest, as a guy I was pleased to tell my pals that I was dating a model, but the truth is that she was not getting much work. She mentioned that her father had a hand is teeing up the session to promote a line of clothing that was just her style, so I have to say I wondered if Daddy might have sweetened the deal a little, given that he has bundles of cash.

Slipping Away

I don't usually give warnings for my stories. So when I say this story is dark and leans heavily into psychological horror, you know it's serious. Check the cautions I ticked off and be ready with some tissues, you're going to need them.

A Second Generation Whateley Academy Tale
Slipping Away


Kingston, Ontario, Canada
October 5th, 2016

“Remember to pick up a present for your brother after school, Ada.”

[NW 04] Tits A Lot

Joshua is utterly broke and desperate to boot.
That's when his neighbor Twilla offers him a little job on the side.
But not before revealing that she is a witch and the job in question is everything but ordinary.
Despite the drawbacks, Joshua can't help but partner up with Twilla.
However, her offer might be too good to be true.

Mark and Mary

Mark and Mary
A Short Story from Times Past
By Maryanne Peters

It came from one of those misunderstandings that you hear about, but it was to shape our family in a most unusual way.

Widower Marek Janski stood in the queue in Ellis Island, and with him were his two sons Pavel and Radek. His English had been improved on the trip over, but he was still feeling his way. He knew to say his surname first.

Made To Look Like An AI

Made To Look Like An AI


Gwen Brown

Waking felt awful. I hadn’t been out at the Pub and had not been drinking otherwise. I could tell from seeing my breath that the room I was in was cold. Yet I was warm, and cosy so would have liked another bit of sleep, yet I was firmly awake and feeling more alert as the headache and unwell feeling passed. Had I been drugged?

Misteleported, part 6 of 6

“At some point, InstaThere is probably going to be offering body swap services. It’s going to be expensive at first, but I’ll probably be able to get you a big discount. You’d just need to find a — um, a trans woman to swap with you... But she probably won’t want to swap if you’ve been taking male hormones or had a mastectomy.”

The Witch Hunt Chapter 13

After twenty minutes of walking, Zoe reached Skylar's house. She knocked three times on the door and waited. For a minute, there was no answer. Zoe knocked again, but there was still no response. Zoe was starting to wonder if she should check the mat to see if the Gregsons still kept a house key under there when the door was finally answered by Skylar. "Zoe?" said Skylar. Her blonde hair was all messed up, and her eyes were tinged with red like she'd been crying.

Misteleported, part 5 of 6

From the experience of the trans people he’d been talking to, at the support group and online, he didn’t think the dysphoria would get much better. Most of the improvement had come in the first few days after he got over the shock of the sudden new body, or in the first few days after he started wearing men’s clothes again.

A Woman's Eyes

A Woman’s Eyes
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

I always thought that I had a strong face. Girls called me good looking. They said that I had “come-to-bed eyes – China blue. I never had any trouble finding girls, which is why I took advantage. I guess that made me heterosexual. If you are desired by women, then you desire them back. It is simply how things work.

Misteleported, part 4 of 6

After doing some research and talking with trans men on the forum Avery had recommended, he’d reluctantly decided that binding her breasts wouldn’t be right, given possible health risks for Dakota if he wound up staying in her body for months.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 03

Avery led Zoe downstairs to Mr. Al's office. She knocked on the door, and Mr. Al said "Enter" from inside.

Zoe opened the door and entered the office to see Mr. Al sitting at his desk. "Hi Mr. Al," she said.

"Hey Zoe," said Mr. Al. "Did you need something?"

"You could say that," said Zoe. "I hear Geraldine and Roxy used to be boys, too. Just like me."

Mr. Al stared at Zoe. "You figured that out unusually quickly," he said.


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