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  1. Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship

    Jessica C Mature Subjects (pg15) 2014-02 February Beholden of the Heart Story Contest Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Heart of the Beholden. Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship By Jessica C (Caution: This story talks about violence, gender bigot ...

    - 2021/07/29 - 4:34pm - 2 comments

  2. Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship- 3

    Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship- 3 Having been abusive to five gay and lesbian students, Brad has agreed to act as one of them for a full year. This is in place of being incarirated for seven years as an adult. ...

    - 2019/04/23 - 11:45pm - 1 comment