Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 19

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has taken Evie and slipped away from her son Gus, only to fall into the hands of Aladdin. That is not all bad, actually, but she can't stay with them. The first chance she gets, Eden slips away in disguise and tries to find Gus before Aladdin does. And she also has to keep an eye out for the first-arriving ultra friend that she has summoned, one of the strongest and most celebrated heroes of the present day.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 18

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has called for outside help, but it hasn't arrived yet. That leaves her still on her own even while trying to protect her daughter from an enemy who, in some ways, is more powerful than she is.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 17

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has many trials to face on what is a night of crisis. She has to call up some of her ultra friends before she can confidently take on her own son Gus. And not only her daughter Evie, but also the members of her local fan club are in dire danger, all at the same time.

Light And Shadow - Part 8 (complete)

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 8 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 37 - Citadel


Krux led me through hospital corridors full of a mix of demons, devils, and souls - some were patients, some staff, and all very organized. Other than the eclectic collection of body-types, skin tones, and random number of limbs, the place had that same frenetic-yet-focused feel of most busy hospitals I’d been in. Bureaucracy blended with function all mixed together as white lab coats, suits and ties, and professional skirts.

I stood out like a sore thumb or an outcast from one of those medieval historical re-enactment groups as I pushed past them all. The armored breastplate and feathered kilt felt all the more primitive as compared to the security stationed at the glass doors which exited to a landing platform. They stood there complete with modern body armor and elegant-yet-nasty rifle-sized blasters packing a punch orders of magnitude higher than the agent’s pistol. While the demons among them only had five to six souls suffering at their cores, their equipment likely made up for the lack of raw potential and then some.

Light And Shadow - Part 7

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 7 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 32 - Plan


Boston police were waiting for them at the gate when they landed. There had been an awkward stand-off while Diego called the DPA to confirm that the detectives were actually on assignment as opposed to being there due to possible unseen influence from mind-controlling angels.

Assurances were received and soon Isaiah and the wizard were delivered to a brick police precinct sitting alongside a narrow Boston street. Being Californian all Isaiah could think of as they were ushered past the windowed doors facing the rear parking lot was that a single earthquake could level the entire structure. Given the number of brick buildings they’d passed on the drive there, the entire city had better hope against such seismic events.

Or, say, powerful geo-magic.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 16

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is in a bad spot, but she is just about to enter into an even worse one. Another time-shift is coming her way and this time she'll be pitted against one of the most powerful ultra-villains she's ever encountered -- her own son Gus. How can she fight a wizard so powerful while trying not to harm him? And then there is the rest of Canoga Park that she has to protect, too.

Light And Shadow - Part 6

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 6 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 27 - Justice


Isaiah’s head thrummed as if someone was using it instead of a kodo drum. As much as he wanted to blame the shifting pressure from the passing storm, he knew the pain wasn’t due to an external cause.

He sat in a small conference room, bare except for a large monitor on one wall sitting in front of a simple four-legged table. Around it were six of those plastic office chairs which usually last for maybe six months before the adjustment lift and tilt mechanisms snapped. Indeed one had already been shoved aside to a corner, its mesh backing listing at an odd angle. Staring at it he decided that whomever in finance was responsible for such cheapness should be cursed to use nothing but. Certainly not whatever luxury leather chair likely adorned their own office.

That would be justice.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 15

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is questioned by a powerful superior in the Aladdin agency, a black ops group which has become a danger both to ultras in general and to the nation as a whole. Aladdin has discovered that Eden Blake has suspicious past links with Lauren Sherwood, the deceased new Mantra. If the interrogator can use this information as a wedge to uncover Eden's secret life, that life will change drastically for the worse.

Light And Shadow - Part 4

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 4 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 16 - Goddess


The eyes of a hundred kneeling demons were upon me. The fight had chewed up a lot of terrain and we’d moved within field-goal distance of the crowd before it was done. As much as I wanted to just fall over and lie there in the dirt that was not an option. Instead I slowly forced myself up. Thighs, calves, and even pinky toes protested, sending agony up every available nerve to decry the idiocy of such an action.

I couldn’t afford to show weakness. Not here. Not now. By the rules of the duel I couldn’t be immediately challenged by anyone else but that didn’t matter.

The soul-sucking bastards needed to fear me. Or else they would never accept my commands.

Light And Shadow - Part 3

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 3 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 10 - Trumpet


Outside the tent where Vance slept peacefully, Yaria was setting up a tall tripod-mounted bronze spyglass. Hank and Twitch were inside with Ruyia preparing lunch from the not-as-small-as-it-looks tent’s well-stocked larder. After I’d grabbed the wrong ingredients for a third time Twitch had pushed me gently aside and taken over as Ruyia’s assistant, much to Hank’s amusement.

Hey, I never claimed to be a chef and furthermore the spices and herbs available in Hell were completely different from anything on Earth. Having spent most of my time living off hard tack from the back of a wagon it’s not my fault I didn’t know the difference between a ‘kyrish root’ and a ‘draxo leaf’. My wife had done all the cooking in our house before cancer stole her away, after that there was a lot of frozen pizzas, tuna, and sloppy joes.

And tacos. Man, I missed tacos.

Light And Shadow - Part 2

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 2 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 5 - Ransacked


We found what was left of the captain lying in the corridor leading from her quarters to the main cavern. The walls gave evidence to a fierce and moving battle, deep chunks of rock had been ripped from the walls with stony fragments scattered everywhere. Her caved-in head, spine, and most of her ribcage were all that remained. They had stripped her clean: armor and boots, soul orbs and meat, all had been taken. Only bloody bones and small scraps of muscle and tendon remained.

Just like they had done to Biff outside and all the other guards.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 14

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is looking down on the dead body of her friend and protege. As bad as that is, a historical catastrophe has just struck one of America's greatest cities. It's confusion mixed up with grief as the world looks on and wonders if it stands on the brink of war. Many lives have been lost, and Mantra is left alone as events swirl around her, wondering if she will personally survive.

Light And Shadow - Part 1

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 1 of 8)

by Erisian

Chapter 1 - Duty


The most annoying thing about hunting demons is the smell. The one in front of me naturally yielded no exception.

Green ichor of a most aromatic sort spurted generously from the stumps of the several tentacles I’d just managed to shorten, the foul mess splattering the walls of ice and rock around us as well as my best (and only) cloak. The vapors assaulting my sanity were, shall we say, worse than a raw sewage overflow from a center for the treatment of Crohn’s disease. FEMA would have posted signs declaring the bespoiled canyon a superfund site before themselves evacuating in a bureaucratic rush.

Yeah, it was that bad.

A brief history of my summer mutation side story: Shecky.

Guess who's back? Well, technically I never left, but sometimes I forget to post things. This should make up for the long dry spell however. Enjoy a nice point of view from Shecky Green, used car salesman extraordinaire.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 13

The superheroine Mantra (Malibu Comics) has skipped a few days into the past, into an event of the most dangerous urgency. If Mantra doesn't intervene successfully, an inexperienced ultra will face down with one of the most powerful of all known ultra villains, a serial killer of super beings with a record of many successes. But protecting her young friend means that Mantra will have to change history, something that she is not sure is even possible.

Die Hochzeit

Mein Name ist Mark und ich lebe mit meiner Verlobten Jessica mittlerweile seit 6 Jahren zusammen.

Unsere Beziehung könnte nicht besser sein und so haben wir uns vor zwei Monaten verlobt.

Die Hochzeit ist für den Sommer geplant, allerdings gibt es einen Unterschied zu den Hochzeiten, wir man sie aus der Vergangenheit kennt.

Bei der Bestellung des Aufgebots muss man jetzt angeben, wer Zuhause das "Sagen" hat und als guter Freund habe ich dort gesagt, dass es meine Verlobte Jessica hat.

Angels can't cry in space

Now for a little story I cooked up one night in my head, and to fellow author Sleethr, I just borrowed Bree...she kind fit the part best!!!!!





September 4th, 2373
In Transit to Mars

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 12

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has experienced another time-shift. She has slipped five days back in time. But she takes with her knowledge about what is going to happen in the five days ahead of her. One thing she knows for sure is that her friend Lauren will soon be placed into deadly danger. Should she attempt to change history by trying to do something to help?

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 11

Mantra (Malibu Comics) finally sees her imprisoned son Gus, but he's in a jam that she can't get him out of. One can forgive her if she thinks that things can't get any worse. Bit the fact is, they can, and they often do.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 10

Mantra (Malibu Comics) receives a call that she has been both hoping for and dreading. She has been summoned to a visit with her son Gus, who by a strange stroke of fate has become a very dangerous ultra villain. Gus has been the most powerful adversary that Mantra has ever faced. His destructive deeds, followed by his capture by the ruthless Aladdin organization, has destroyed Mantra's superhero career and brought intense sorrow to what has been a happy family.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 9

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has been learning some very important things about the Mantra of this alternate dimension, but she still needs to know much more. That includes whatever Evie, her own young daughter, might know. Evie had had the misfortune of witnessing the most violent and frightening parts of the crisis that happened only a few days earlier. But children are fragile, and so Mantra and her psychological advisor, Pinnacle, have to question the little girl very carefully while making sure that she isn't additionally traumatized.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 33

"Lucius told me that he found you and Draco dueling. I hope he didn't goad you into anything." We had finished lunch and were on the veranda having tea. Draco was back on the Quidditch pitch with his dad dodging bludgers or some such.

"Not at all. Honestly, when he told me that we could use magic here I was more than excited to duel again."

"That's right, you're in the dueling club, aren't you? Quite an achievement for a first year."

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 32

Author's note. I know it's been a while since I posted the last chapter, and I'm sorry for the long wait. Shit has hit the fan in a lot of different ways, all in a short amount of time. I'm working through things, but it makes writing time and motivation to write difficult. But that's enough reading about me, so I'll let you (hopefully) enjoy the chapter.

Draco was asked to give me a tour of the manor after putting away his broom. "Thanks for inviting me to stay here. This place is amazing." I said once I was sure we wouldn't be overheard.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 8

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has been learning some very surprising details about the last few days. But her informant, Lauren, seems naive about the responsibilities that go along with being an ultra-heroine, which causes Mantra to give her some good advice. But Mantra also needs to find out what her own daughter Evie has been witness to, and that means getting an eight year old to remember some of the most terrifying moments of her entire life.

Velma's Night Off

Velma's Night Off

Lynda Shermer

Coolsville was safe. At the end of a days work, Coolsville was usually safe.  
Somedays, it even stays that way for as much as, oh, say, a week.
"'Night, gang!," I said, and turned for my door. It had been a hard days sleuthing, but the Gravy Ghoul was behind bars, revealed as Mr. Thompkins, of Global Consolidated Industries. Coolsville Canned Foods could open again for business as usual, without anyone leaping out of a vat and scaring off the workers.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 31

If I thought Bones Manor was impressive, it doesn't even compare to Malfoy Manor. After being told what had happened and a lengthy questioning by the healer, Mrs. Bones, and Mr. Scrimgeour about the events of the day and more questions of the Malfoys when they arrived to pick me up we left the Abbott's. Instead of using the floo I was side-along apperated to the front courtyard, no doubt a blatant way to show off the grandeur of the building, which was a complete success. I was playfully scolded by Mrs.

Cross Country Disconnect – 27 Putting the Best Foot Forward

Cross Country Disconnect – 27
Putting the Best Foot Forward

By Jessica C

Gary’s bet that he didn’t win...
Gary/Caryn and becomes Sarai’s girlfriend…
Sarai would remain as my best friend…

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 7

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has a very large hole in her memory. She has to talk to her teenage friend, Lauren Sherwood, who knows a lot about what she needs to find out. Lauren is in a good position to know, because for the last few days she's been the one and only Mantra of Canoga Park.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 29

Author's note. I know it's been a while since I've last posted an update, and I'm sorry. Believe me when I say that I would love it if I had more time to focus on writing. If nothing else, I hope I made this chapter wort the wait.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 6

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is working with the super-scientist Pinnacle on ideas to help regain her mystic powers. But to seek out a cure, they need to know exactly how she lost them in the first place. So, Mantra needs to consult with an eyewitness. The witness is a teenage phenomenon who, since that night, has been calling herself the new Mantra.

Never Hiding In Hose Again

Belladonna's "Hiding in Hose" (mother seizes corporate control from her son and transforms him into her maid): perhaps it's a dark tale rife with unfairness; alternatively, perhaps it's a moral tale of just desserts. This is my (unauthorized) tribute, Fanfiction, to one of the best FM authors. It is set 15 years after Belladonna's story. Any overlaps in copyright I cede to her.

BTW, this will be my last story for a few months.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 28

Author's note. Sorry for the delay on this one. I had really bad writer's block. I hope you enjoy my little work around, even if you have to re-read past events a bit.

From the private diary of one Hermione J. Granger

11th of April 1992

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 5

TG heroine Mantra (Malibu Comics) needs to give her ultra friend Pinnacle some help, even while hoping to get some needed help in return. It seems like she's come to the right place.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 27

Author's note: Thank you to everyone that left a comment on the last chapter. Everyone that voted was against this turning into a dark fic, and after reading some of the comments, I am in agreement. With that said, there will be a few darker scenes, especially later in the story, but Holly will remain the stories heroine (maybe a tad bit anti-hero, actually) that you have all come to love.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 4

TG heroine Mantra (Malibu Comics) realizes that she up against something that is too big for her to figure out alone. She needs to hook up with an ally with some major scientific knowledge. Fortunately, one of her best friends happens to live in San Francisco, a person who is not only brilliant, but who also measures up as an ultra in her own right.

From Russian with Love | Chapter 4: Fräulein

The drive into the city was peaceful. Papa never told me what the city was called, nor did I care about the name. It’s just the place when we needed something that we couldn’t find in town.

From Russia with Love | Chapter 3: Snake Eyes Mother Fucker

With red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, I found myself on the long road to the nearest city. I needed to change out the quad with a car and quickly. You don’t hear people using a four-wheeler as a main way of transportation, not to mention that the wheels are meant for on-road, and well it gets cold swiftly on a four-wheeler. Or it’s supposed to, oddly enough I’m not cold at all. Must be part of my mutation… or Russian blood… or training. One of the three. Maybe all of it, but I digress.

From Russia with Love | Chapter 2: Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck

I find that drawing soothes my nerves. Painting takes time and I have to get it set up, but drawing is easy with just paper and pen, I can let my mind go and doodle. Sometimes I’m working on a picture. Sometimes drawing comics. Sometimes I just doodle. Right now, I’m currently making a really fucked up piece of art while I cry my eyes out for the umpteenth time. Oh boy, am I emotional. I don’t think I’ve ever been this emotional in my life. I’d cried sure, but never for this long. I don’t even know what I’m drawing to be honest, all the tears are staining the paper.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 26

Author's note: There is a very pivotal event that will be occurring soon (hopefully in the next few chapters) that has the potential to change a lot of things. I am (kind of) giving you (my readers) a chance to influence how the entire story plays out. Please comment or send me a private message to cast your vote. Will this event turn Holly dark, very dark, or will she remain grey? Originally, this was going to be a dark fic, but things are shaping out very differently than my original ideas. I'm happy either way it goes, so please vote.

From Russia with Love | Chapter 1: There's an itch on my chest!

It was dark when I woke up. Only five in the morning and I felt wide wake. Waking up later even if only an hour was bliss. Papa was already chopping firewood as the cold and snow was coming fast. Even faster in the mountains.

My chest felt itchy and as I began to help him cut fire wood, my chest felt continually itchy and sore. I’m not as skilled as he is but I can still hold my own. Of course, I could’ve gone faster if my chest didn’t feel so itchy. Placing the wood on the stump and slamming the axe into it. It wasn’t long until the sun began peeking out from the horizon.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 25

"I still can't believe you have five weeks of detention when we get back." Susan said as I ran my fingers through her hair. Susan was laying on her back with her head in my lap while I was sitting against a tree.

"Yeah, but at least two of those weeks will be a formality. Professor Snape said all I have to do is inventory his ingredient stocks and after that it'll only be an hour each day, and Professor Flitwick has me tutoring students for an hour or two each day I'm with him, which I'm perfectly happy to do if he asks anyways."


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