
My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 25

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 25
Bright Spot


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
Iridessa let out an awed gasp from atop Tasha’s shoulder and said in almost a whisper, “That might be the sparkliest thing I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of sparkly things!”

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 1)

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 1)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we edge into part one of our enormous eidetic eighteenth double issue we must again wonder about Logan’s fate. Was the return to his old male form a fatal mistake? What could have caused this latest reaction? Can Jean deal with even more heartbreak? While all of this swirls around the X-Men in the wake of the attack on the school and Logan’s revelations, Magneto has reacquired Mystique and spread his control over the world’s nuclear arsenals. Will the X-Men be able to respond, or will humans be crushed under the brutal heel of Magneto?

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 24

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 24
The Look


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“About time you finished Mer,” Vanessa said as they entered the shop. “That took forever, but I guess that’s to be expected when you need to have a whole wardrobe specially made. Nice outfit though, it suits you.”

Syryn's Song: Chapter 10

All his life Ken Graham had dreamed of being a rock star. When that dream is taken from him he would do anything to get it back, but his new voice comes with a price.


Syryn's Song
Chapter 10


“And here when you said mission I thought we were going to save the world, or at least New York, but it’s only New Jersey… really who wants to save Jersey?” Starbright said with a laugh.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 23

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 23
Need to Know


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“My power?” he asked with a serious look. “My power is being a motherfuckin’ badass.”

Feral Saga Chapter 17 - Restoration

Feral Saga Chapter 17 - Restoration

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We begin the seventeenth issue with several questions. What has Logan done? Has she risked everything to punish herself for her part in hurting Jean? Were the humans successful in eradicating the computer virus, or did Magneto have a surprise for them? With Magneto clearly approaching his final movements, did Logan just help to distract the Uncanny X-Men from any hope of discovering his actions in time?

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 22

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 22
Clothes Call


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“No’ tae ge’ all technical, bu’ yuir both women, wouldnae tha’ make ya seamstresses?” I pointed out.

Feral Saga Chapter 16 - Duplicity

Feral Saga Chapter 16 - Duplicity

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

The sex and violence that have brought us to our sixteenth issue are about to explode across the members of the Uncanny X-Men and the world. Logan has been so wrapped up in her own ghosts, depredations, and desires that she is nearly blind to how it affects anyone else. As Magneto acts behind his mutant teams to make a bold move in his fight to gain primacy over the humans, the X-Men are reeling from internal strife and totally unprepared. When their school is attacked, where will the most explosive devastation really occur?

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 21

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 21
Going 4-Ward


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
As we ate they all took my massive tray full of food in stride and hardly said anything about it, even when I went for seconds. There was just a brief knowing look between them as they all shrugged and said, “Energy Manipulators.”

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 20

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 20


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“We’re goin’ to stop it, but I’m no’ goin’ to let you girls fight in yuir nightclothes in front o’ the whole city,” Mom pointed out.

Hit and Run Part-1

Hit and Run Part One

Life on the streets of New York City has never been easy for Greg but he takes every opportunity he can to survive. When one of those opportunities leads to a mistake, everything in his life, including himself, changes.


Feral Saga Chapter 15 - Encounters

Lolo trying to impress Scott

Feral Saga Chapter 15 - Encounters

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we fitfully careen into our fifteenth issue, Storm seems ready to attack Logan. Has she been influenced? Jean has had a life-altering session with Scott, reliving the intense memory of his encounter with Logan, but how will it change her interactions with Logan and Scott? And Logan and Scott seem unable, at this point, to keep from being together. Where will this explosive situation lead? Could further manipulation by Magneto turn this powder keg into something even more disruptive? Or is Logan’s questionable decision-making enough to do that already?

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 19

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 19


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“Ummm… I thought this school was supposed to be super high-tech, so why do I feel like I just walked into the 19th century?” Vanessa asked, voicing what had been on my mind as well.

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

Logan looking impossibly young

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Fortune finds us at the fourteenth issue with Logan trying to reenter life and put the horrible events of the last mission behind her. But is she acting rashly, or just foolish to think that events will be so easily put aside? There is still much for the Uncanny X-Men to deal with in the aftermath and that is without turning an eye towards Magneto. Sabretooth’s manipulation and assault left Logan horrified at what he nearly turned her into, but just because she escaped that particular fate, is she any less altered?

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 5 - Two Steps Back


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whateley Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 12

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Chapter 12

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Masks 23: Part 7

Part Seven

None of the three teams had an easy time. The one handling the civilians had to be careful not to hurt anyone, at least seriously. Those hunting the aliens had to avoid the humans the creatures had dominated into protecting them, or else deal with the innocent people a gently as possible, while trying to find their targets.

Aiding the latter two groups were two factors; the continuing updates from the microprobes and Runner.

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 4 - Rebirth


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whatelye Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

Masks 23: Part 6

Part Six

They grilled him for over an hour more, getting some additional details, though frustratingly few of them. All of this information was served with a large helping of self-aggrandizement and matter-of-fact bragging. Fosworth clearly found the entire process boring and not worth his time, but was determined to make the most of it by making the most of his contribution in stopping the monster. He made clear through his attitude that he was cooperating for the good of the c\o\m\p\a\n\y\ team.

Masks 23: Part 5

Part Five

Vic's manager at the local office the Bureau of Special Resources maintained in Detroit was Bruno Drake. Though their office was tiny, in both physical size and number of personnel assigned to it, Drake took his job very seriously. He was a grizzled man in his late fifties, with short, grey hair and a conservative manner. This included his way of dressing; he was very fond of bowties, for example. Vic found that as a manager he was a good boss who cared about and for those under him.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 18

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 18
Road Trip


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“Are we thaaaaaiiiiir ye’?” I whined, staring blankly out the window at the scenery going by, not too different from the scenery that had gone by an hour earlier. “I kin fly faster than this, a’ leas’ then I’d be movin’ under ma own power.”

Masks 23: Part 3

Part Three

"I'm starting to hate that doorbell," said Vic, as she walked quickly to their new apartment's door in response to said bell.

This time the caller was a clean but scrawny man perhaps in his mid-thirties.

"Hey. You changed your WiFi password," he said, with no preamble.

"No, it's the same one we've always used with this router."

"Then why can't I get on?"

"Well, you shouldn't be able to. Our WiFi has always been private, even before we moved in here last week."

Masks 23: Part 2

Part Two

That same evening, in their main meeting room, the Assembly was having a special discussion about a more serious matter: The death - murder, actually - of John Gaughn.

"You don't think Constantine did this, do you?" said Champion, leaning back in her chair and looking thoughtfully at the glow panels in the high ceiling, though addressing the team brain.

Masks 23: Part 1

Masks XXIII: The Obscenity in the Ice


Rodford Edmiston

Part One

Summer, 2016

Laurie felt great. In fact, she had risen from bed that morning feeling twenty years younger. She thought she even looked better in the mirror. Maybe this was all due to the excellent weather, but she had a suspicion. A hope.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 17

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 17
Moving Day


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
The mermaid looked confused for a moment, but shrugged and got up to join me as Tasha’s voice slipped into my mind. *What are you up to Merida?*

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 16

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 16
Moving Forward


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“Bu’ tha’s no’ faaaair! Tha’s no’ wot I signed up fer!” I was whining, I knew I was whining, and it made me feel as childish as I probably looked.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 15

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 15


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“We’re looking for a Miss Merida Ainsley,” said the slightly smaller of the two with a smile. He was probably trying not to scare me.

Syryn's Song: Chapter 9

All his life Ken Graham had dreamed of being a rock star. When that dream is taken from him he would do anything to get it back, but his new voice comes with a price.


Syryn's Song
Chapter 9
Little Big Bang


“What instrument was he teaching you to play?” Mai waggled her brows suggestively.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 14

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 14
The Aftermall


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“Oh damn, she’s got it baaaad,” Vanessa teased.

Syryn's Song: Chapter 8

All his life Ken Graham had dreamed of being a rock star. When that dream is taken from him he would do anything to get it back, but his new voice comes with a price.


Syryn's Song
Chapter 8
Battle of the Bands


“Jeeze Candy, you’re getting as bad as Tess, could you please speak something us humans can understand?” Leslie teased after finishing applying her lipstick and lightly blotting it with a tissue.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 13

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 13
Shocked at First Sight


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
Much to my embarrassment I giggle-snorted. “Tha’s yuir name? Fer real? Ya actually call yuirself tha’? In public? An’ ya think tha’ it’s cool? Honestly, I’m a wee bit shocked.”

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 12

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 12


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“Super. Hero. Team,” Mei replied casually, enunciating each word as if it should be obvious to all of us. “We all have powers, a tragic origin story, and we’re going to a school to learn to use our powers, so of course we’re going to use them to help people.”

Super Bimbo (not finished)

John is a boy who is bullied a wants to be a hero when he is asked to clean out the attic he finds a magic genie and gets wish and wishes to be a hero but the outcome is not what he thought it would be....

Feral Saga Chapter 13 - Treachery

Logan in Crisis

Feral Saga Chapter 13 - Treachery

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

The thirst for a life now shattered permeates our thirteenth issue. Logan and Scott have rescued Storm from Sabrettoth’s lair, but at great personal cost. A cost that may soon be felt by Jean just as acutely. Logan must now find a way to move forward, to seize the chance at a life when everything feels as if it has turned to ashes in her mouth. And even with Sabretooth dead, Magneto continues to plot and plan, with mutants seemingly willing to sacrifice their lives for his “cause”. Can Logan hope to overcome her deep emotional wounds to find it in herself to care enough to continue to fight? And exactly what will she fight for?

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 11

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 11
Who Am I?


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
Then I suddenly remembered that I was a little girl now and I felt all the joy I had been feeling drain out of me. “Or no’, I guess girls dinnae really dae this sorta thing.”

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 10

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 10
Turning the Page


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
“Issues?” I questioned her with a frown. “As far as I ken, the only issue I ‘ave is adjustin’ tae bein’ a girl an’ a kid.”

Feral Saga Chapter 12 - Reckoning (Part 2)

X23_sketch by Jason Metcalf

Feral Saga Chapter 12 - Reckoning (Part 2)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we continue the twists of the twelfth issue in part two, Logan and Scott are deep inside Sabretooth’s hideout as they try to rescue Storm. But things are already diverging from their plans. A cloaked ship and a new mutant are also there, adding to the mystery. Unfortunately, Logan has discovered that Don has come on the mission and she now has to worry about him. What will happen when Logan finally encounters Sabretooth?

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 9

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 9


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
Please tell me tha' I dinnae sound tha’ bad,” I groaned in complaint at one point.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 8

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 8
Shop 'til You Pop


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
We were passing a shoe store when I stopped abruptly and said, “I wan’ tae ‘ave somethin’ tha’ I kin feel comfortable in. Mom said nae tae fatigues, but no’ tae some bloody combat boots.”

Mixed, Shaken and Stirring

Mixed, Shaken and Stirring
Chapter 1
Let's Do the Timewarp



Scott "Scotty" Lewis spent nearly his whole life trying to Activate, but it happens when he least expects it and he is sent back into his own past to find that everything has changed, and not necessarily for the better. (This story takes place in Amethyst's Hyperverse.)


"Omg They put me in the body of a Hyper girl!"

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 7

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 7
Family Matters


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?
"She’s just a kid, you can’t seriously be thinking about giving her alcohol.”

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 6

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 6


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?

“Who the hell are you, and how did you get that information?” the General’s voice half growled on the other end.

Syryn's Song: Chapter 7

All his life Ken Graham had dreamed of being a rock star. When that dream is taken from him he would do anything to get it back, but his new voice comes with a price.


Syryn's Song
Chapter 7
Family Ties


“Oh yeah, that was a real heartwarming maternal letter,” Mai practically growled once I had finished reading it. “Like a batch of fresh-baked cookies, laced with arsenic.”

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 5

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 5
Once upon a *BOOM*


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?

*Cease fire Merida!* Tasha shouted into my mind as she teleported back toward Shu’s bed.


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