Sapphire's blog

In this season - a Senior Partner is Named...

As many of you know, I asked ( read as BEGGED ) for help recently - and many people have come forward.

Currently, one person is looking into the scripting for the rebirth of Sapphire's Place. others are waiting in the wings - doing the research on HOW to redesign the site.... but with my stepping back from the site, that means that someone has to take the lead on both the site and it's redesign.

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Open Letter from Sapphire

Dear Readers,

This is very hard for me, but before I get to the difficult part, I want to announce the newest chapters of Angharad’s ongoing paranormal adventure story “ SNAFU” and the next chapter of Melanie Brown’s “Reluctant Prom Date”. I want to publicly thank Angharad and Melanie for continuing to send their new chapters to Sapphire’s Place, even though I haven’t been updating the site regularly.

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Donating to Disaster Relief with Southern Belle

I am Southern Belle, not only a Superhero, but a SOUTHERN Hero!

The Disaster from Katrina is effecting all of us, but as a Southern Hero, I need to help!

To do this, ALL Profits from the sales of my adventures in both Book and PDF format for the next 30 days will be donated in the name of my friends and fans to the Red Cross for Katrina Disaster Relief.

Even Heros need help in times like this - can you help?

Sapphire and E.E.Nalley

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"G11-Colony" and "Gaby-the Anime Years" now for sale!

I am so very happy and honored to announce that two new books are now for sale from Sapphire's Place Press!
1) " Gaby - The Anime Years " ( Gaby #1 ) from Madeline Bell is NOW fully available! B/W internal graphics in Book, full color graphics in PDF format. Buy BOTH for a full experience!
As a note, Every copy of Gaby sold will provide support for youngsters with gender identity issues through the Mermaids charity - ( )

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