BarbieLee's blog

Small donations make big contributions

No one must sacrifice everything just to make a donation. It would be wrong to give one's meal ticket if it meant they had to do without. But that is what I'm going to suggest. Daddy always told me to watch the pennies because the dollars will take care of themselves. Give that one some thought. Daddy was a very smart person. BCTS has a physical address (mailing address) listed. If one could drop five dollars in an envelope and send it. If you don't think it counts, think again. It counts very very much. Add the numbers and say a hundred people do the same. Are we getting there?


Comes in Threes

Selected for jury duty. I was laughing as I read I had been summoned for jury duty and when I had to report to the court house. Called the court clerk and explained my circumstances and told her I would be more than pleased to attend. Although I believe I have an excellent sense of fashion I would be bringing the past X number of years of medical files in my briefcase. I'm sure the judge and lawyers wouldn't be pleased.


Which Bathroom

It seems every politician wants to pass some law to force everyone else into compliance as herd animals. Too many of us don't fit in with the herd no matter how many laws are passed. Let's begin the story. Trip to OKC and my change from the Women's Clinic to a Gender Clinic. Had met several of the staff from other clinics. Seems as if anything LBGT is pretty fluid with healthcare providers covering a wide expanse of offices and clinics weekly. Remind me to NOT change in the future. The paperwork is a killer and X years of past records fills a large binder.

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Going through pockets

As I was saying, I was going through some pockets the past couple weeks. Time are tough and it was slim pickings let me tell yuh. Receipts and lint coming up for most of my trouble. Getting harder to get into other people's pockets anyway. Like the lady who was looking through the cans of sweet peas and her purse was in the cart. It was open and her billfold was there for the taking. Acting innocent I looked up to dispel suspicion and we wus right under a security camera. It was a setup to catch thieves. There just aint no honor among honest folk any more.


Windows 10 is Spyware

Two years earlier I purchased a new Win 10 disk from a German company in case my computer ever tossed its cookies. The unwanted upgrade MS Win 10 did on me several weeks back wiped all my files and programs. To say I was pissed is an understatement of huge proportions. Years of valuable data I had that can't be replaced was lost. Years of important and valuable email contacts scrubbed. Thousand dollar software programs scrubbed along with all the data they had cached. Basically MS wiped five years of research and hard work with that upgrade.


Audio Recording

Back in the dark ages did some voice recording. We won't call it singing. Almost three months ago I lost my voice, my lung capacity, my taste, smell was off too. FYI read where a lady had three tests for the covid and all negative but she knew she had it. Finally her doc agreed even with negative tests. After starting treatment the test came back positive. I only had two negative tests and no medical help getting over it besides home monitoring by my doc. Over two weeks of running an elevated fever, lack of lung capacity, and I finally passed the hump.


A World of MicroSoft Pain

Credit card notification on a Friday afternoon it was being used. Okay, try and get hold of any help on the weekend, not happening. It's through my bank so I stopped in Monday morning to see what they could find out. Dozens of ten dollars charges were being constantly added to it constantly. Why ten dollars? The date and the security code isn't required if the purchase is under ten dollars. Same reason for the Friday afternoon beginning of the hits. They had the card number but not the security numbers or the date.


Dress Nice or just put something on

Yesterday I made the 330 mile round trip to Amarillo VA. Lots of questions from the nurses all things transgender and how I got my name. I explained, four hundred years ago Barbie was a boy’s name in Germany. Today it is considered a girl’s name. Kinda like the story of my life. They were all really nice. I pray a few more understand we are human and not monsters after they had a chance to talk and visit with me. Barbie isn't what is on my military records, it is what everyone called me. Hopefully I dispelled a lot of the MSM and tabloid lies and misinformation.


Dr. Kristie Explains what Trans is and isn't

How many times have I beat the drum, no two transgender is alike. Dr. Harry Benjamin wanted a one size fits all and everyone followed up with the same wrong concept. Whether you have or haven't transitioned, whether you want to or are accepting the circumstances doesn't mean a darn thing. What matters is do you accept yourself. What you feel about yourself and what you project is what people think of you even when at times they are looking at a complete opposite picture.


Makeup Isn't for Sissies

Couple months back I realized how much out of touch with current makeup fashions I had become when I began looking for a lipstick color to replace one I had used for years. There are a couple names for what I was searching for but obviously Frosted Peach, or Iced Peach is no longer a fashionable lipstick color. I tried multi variations of color combinations with no luck. I finally found what I wanted on one of those trips to OKC.


Out of Body Experience

There are many stories on BCTS about out of body experience written into the story line. Mostly just a paragraph or such, certainly not the theme of the story.Research into OBE has been conducted by almost every military and government in the world. Lots of names they list it as. Remote viewing is one as they try and get spies who can't be captured or seen into looking at another gov or military secrets.


Don't Quit Your Hormones

We have all heard and read the same advice, "don't quit your hormones if you have been on them awhile". Well guess what? No really make a guess. That one didn't count, too easy, try again. Yes I dropped my hormones nine days ago. I returned from the doctors office a few hours ago. Katie told me to get back on the hormones, contact my transition doctors, Diana or Marlene and remember what I had been told about quitting hormones. If one has been on them for awhile don't just quit cold turkey.


Everything we know about hormones is all wrong

A difficult pill to swallow is learning everything I have studied and researched about hormones for over fifty years is all wrong. It's been a series of follow the leader in prescriptions and shallow research that wasn't really research. Trans request hormones on what they have read and heard. Doctors prescribe hormones on what they have read and skimmed over. And no one really knew exactly what they were doing because the hormone prescriptions worked to a limited extent. Until they hit that proverbial wall and no longer helped but went into station keeping or regressing.


I think I'm loosing my mind

No really, loosing my mind. It's the little things we do when we truly shouldn't do them. A friend offered me a puppy only three weeks old. And I brought it home. Puppies chew everything in sight and a lot of things that aren't in sight. All those things lost under the couch, under the bed, behind the record cabinets? They ain't lost no more. Puppy is now eight weeks old and bigger than some grown dogs I had. You've heard the comment "human garbage disposal"? I have a dog garbage disposal. At full growth this "puppy" will weigh between 95 to 139 lbs.


Tricks or ????

This economic collapse is destroying hundreds of thousands of small businesses. The girls guiding BCTS are struggling like everyone else. It seems donations have been in lockstep with the economy. Dwindling to a trickle in other words.
I remember Erin talking about turning tricks to survive.


A Step Too Far

Everyone probably already knows. Trump finalizes rule defining gender as a person's biological sex. Like Deuteronomy 22:5, many are using Harry Benjamin's illogical and so stupidly wrong, rules defining trans. Have I let everyone know in plain enough English how much I hate what that man did to all transsexuals? Thank you Benjamin for all the lives you complicated and those you destroyed for your "Standards of Care". I pray you receive your just reward in Hell. I think Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, policy adviser for The Catholic Association put it very succulently, transgender are insane.


I'm NOT a Female!

How long has it been since I purchased lipstick? It's been awhile a really long while. My peach lipstick finally ran out on me. Oh I still had a kazillion colors of red but last peach or apricot, or natural colors. Time to break down and pick up another tube. I absolutely hate buying lipstick as the color is NEVER the same as the one we ran out of. Walmart was a joke unless red is one's color. Heck I have three or so dozen of red. I want peach or natural. Walgreens had some and again, yes you guessed, RED, but they also had a lot of gothic shades.



Things Girls NEVER talk about

Only from a man could the subject line be true. But only in their tiny little brain. Girls may or may not be human depending on who one asks the question. Do girls still iron things? Come on it's not a trick question. Except it is, depends on the girl doesn't it? Way back in the dark ages while holding onto a hot rock warmed by the sun, I was ironing out Errp's lizard skin shift. I said shift because back then we didn't name our body cover. There were some of Errps friends who didn't bother with such things..., I digress.


Fiction isn't too far from the truth

With the right amount of money, live in the right country, or have a very good passport, and find the right surgeons...,
I'm not terribly impressed with what some people do with their bodies. I don't condemn as that would be like the pot calling the kettle black. A lot of people aren't impressed with what I turned out to be either. Let's plow on. Not sure what her thinking is? Whatever she's seeking I pray she finds it. Personally I believe she's fortunate her body is holding together after all the surgeries.


TG in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model

Seems to be my day for spamming the channel. My appologies to all but a lot of you need confirmation of life is what you make it. If life handed you a bowl of lemons then make lemonade. The one thing I want you to take away from this is no one has to look this beautiful to meet that one place in life where you may find happiness. Yes she's gorgeous but so are all the boys and girls on this channel. It's what is in the heart and soul and if it has this kind of cover then good for her. Accept what life dealt us and work with what we have.


Fire on the Farm

Fire is non discriminatory as it's an equal opportunist. Had one visit Friday. Really dry spring ans summer, sparks on top the power pole set the grass on fire below. Destroyed a garage, tool shed, a dozen old vehicles, farm equipment, hay, travel trailer, tools, etc. etc. but actually not the most valuable things. The Fire Fighters and I still have our lives. Not to be too caviler about the whole thing, I had nothing but my parents and family when I dropped into this world. Theirs and all my friends love is all I'll take with me when I check out.


What are your favorites

Summer: my favorite skirt is stretch denim mini skirt, my favorite top is a printed jersey shell. My favorite shoes are really cowgirl boots. My favorite hat is a black felt cowgirl hat with a silver band. My favorite dress is a aqua green silk Mandarin dress, and four and half inch black pumps. White pearl drop earrings go with that dress, no necklace. My favorite purse is small black with a gold chain shoulder strap.


Missing Authors

This has been hashed before but one of those missing authors worries me since it was the beginning of the corona virus she last posted anything and then went dark.
The Lost Queen Vol 3 Ch1 Shadows of the Past
Submitted by Elsbeth on Fri, 2020/03/27 - 12:59pm
Which is the last of March. By some accounts not that long and yet sixty days with all that is happening, kind of worrying. According to one of the girls Elsbeth hasn't even logged onto BCTS. If anyone has any data on the young lady it would be a kindness to let the her ardent admirers know.

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Thanks for nothing MS

Golly look at the time, it's three oh three A.M. Wanting to see what the storms were doing when I woke up a little after twelve I woke my computer to check Oklahoma Doppler Radar. Low and behold the only thing on my screen is new wallpaper and Microsoft edge waiting for me to open it up and get started.


Sapphires Place is GONE

It has been taken over by Sapphires Technologies still listed as
They have removed all of the stories from the WayBack Machine

So many stories scrubbed and lost forever. If we had only known, I could have downloaded her whole history to a solid state HD and saved it. But then copyright and legals get in the way of copying anyone's web without permission from the owners. The last thing I want is to get into a multi million dollar lawsuit for copying anyone's site without an okay.


Sigh, amature writers and laws

Writers are entering and publishing without truly reading or understanding the legalities of what is or isn't plagiarism. Nor do they understand the repercussions of filing a "that's my story line" lawsuit without researching prior publications. The large publishers did all that expensive legals for their authors. They knew whether they had a legal leg to stand on or not. Now with thousands of instant writer-publishers who read something somewhere about DCM (digital copyright material) they start firing off take down notices to everyone.

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Shook the piggy bank

The Station's Late Night Princess by Alecia Snowfall is worth reading and reading again like so many other great stories posted on BCTS. Although some of them have moved onto ebooks, and I'm not into such, I'll toss a few pennies into BCTS cookie jar in honor of them. Don't know why it feels more right than sending in a blind donation? Erin, Piper, and the ladies host the site but the authors wrote the story. Both mutually necessary for this site to be here. One can't be without the other. And yes, Erin and the others use the site too for posting their stories. I know, I'm weird.


Real Life, not only the stories we write

Most everyone of us understands the hate generated toward others because they are different and don't conform to society or an individual's rules. If one hasn't run into that person who would kill you in a heartbeat because you aren't what they demand all females and possibly many males must be to live in their world; you aren't trans, gay, lesbian, or you fit the kind of model who blends in real well to the norm. Protecting one's self or receiving protection from those who are supposedly protecting those who can't isn't always possible.


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