Court: Transgender student's rights were violated

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You might want to read this encouraging news item.



I like the ruling and the reporting of this story. What I did not like were a lot of the comments that followed.

Sorry if you're a religious type but

those comments are what I'd expect to see from a conservative so-called "christian" crowd. Tolerance? Not a word in their dictionary.

I live in Texas - the capital of intolerance.


Renee_Heart2's picture

Try living in Missouri even if you are transgender you can be arrested for using the "wrong bathroom" NOW THAT is intolerance in my book.

Love Samantha Renee Heart

Or... try living in California...

Puddintane's picture

...where there are no laws restricting who may use any bathroom at all, except in specific venues, like some sports stadiums, for example. In California, people *tend* to be well-behaved, so long custom usually limits unpleasant confrontations.

To be perfectly forthright in my disclosures, it's fairly common for the bolder sort of California woman to "liberate" men's bathrooms in certain venues, because the public ordinances requiring women's bathrooms are grossly unbalanced, having been drafted primarily by male legislators. I confess to having led several such minor insurrections myself, in the nicest possible manner, of course. I'm nothing if not polite, and since I loathe sports, my experience has been limited to cinemas and theatres. Of course, the state of California law makes these sorts of rebellions consequence-free, legally-speaking.




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

a key point the CA law missed

Teresa L.'s picture

the clarification at the end by the Chief justice that

"The Supreme Judicial Court pointed out that its ruling was based on the circumstances of the case in which there was ample documentation of the student's gender identity. "Our opinion must not be read to require schools to permit students casual access to any bathroom of their choice," he wrote."

the CA law DIDNT stipulate any definition as to WHO would be considered Transgender, so the way it is written, has given the extreme religious groups (i am basically libertarian and a christian) ammunition. I contacted the author of the CA bill after i read it but it was either too late, or ignored. a simple inclusion of something like "someone properly diagnosed or in treatment" would have kicked any legs out of their arguments against it, even if they are patently silly, some will believe them.

hopefully it can be fixed and not repealed, or being in limbo for a decade as it goes through the court system


Teresa L.