For all of dormouse lovers...

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Dangerously cute!!!
(turn on sound)

(yes, I know it is doing rounds of internet for couple of weeks already, but no one posted it here yet :-) )


Ueber-Cute ... But

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Sorry to have to tell you that youtube vid was posted here quite a while ago, by Angharad, I believe?

Well worth seeing and hearing again though.

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

I suspect

Angharad's picture

something isn't quite right with its breathing, that sort of noise would attract a predator in no time. None of the ones I've seen or handled made that noise.


There are several videos...

... with snoring dormouse on YouTube. They are not so loud. Probably this one had sound enhanced (or added?) "in post production".