Where Did Today Go?

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You get up with the best of intentions. You write 642 words - good ones, as well. You take one break to check if there have been any new comments to a story you particularly liked. You find one and think yeah, I know a good Moody Blues track to link to. There might be others as well...

Suddenly it's gone six.

Where the hell did the day go?

No one to blame but myself. (Sighs loudly.)

Bugger it, I might as well link to some decent 70s stuff.


Suddenly I feel like eating. Real soon.

Happy writing everyone,



What a difference

a day makes, twenty-four little hours.

I know how you feel.


where the day went

The day went shopping at Macy's. It bought a hat. It thought the hat looked really cute but once it got it home it thought that the purchase was a mistake. The day then got depressed and went to Winn-Dixie for a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream before returning home to watch a Law and Order:SVU marathon on USA today. Later on it plans on meeting up tomorrow so they can conspire against you. When it comes back to it's loft, it will make a tv dinner and watch American Idol before going to bed.

Now you know where it went. The day has its own life, and often doesn't include us in its plans.

Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

Great Track

Great track! Thanks John.

'A Question Of Balance' 1970. 'Every Good Boy Deserves Favour' 1971. 'Seventh Sojourn' 1972.
That's also when I started buying their albums, which is probably why I associate them with the 70s.

Ban nothing. Question everything.