Happy birthday

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Happy birthday Bronwen Welsh, I wish you all the happiness you deserve, and have many more returns of the day, From one good friend to another, With love Carla Bay:):)



Bronwen and Carla. My 63rd birthday was yesterday; Kim and I had lots of fun.

Happy Birthday, Bronwen and I hope you have many more. Get something for your Muse, too. Is it her b'day also?

How was the Aussie winter? Unusual in any way? In AZ, S.W. USA the summer was a little cooler and wetter down in the desert, but in the higher elevations where there are lots of pine trees, the drought continues. If this new, drier climate continues, we might loose much of the forest to be replaced by scrub brush and Junipers that we now have at elevations just below that of the forest.

Have a happy day!

Hugs and Bright Blessings,


Andrea Lena's picture

...do the swirls of icing on your cake go anti-clockwise when you reside down under? Happy Birthday!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena