Jersey Boys

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This is from OZ Land - Brisbane Queensland Australia: Just came back from a stage play based on the The Four Seasons-Frankie Vallie - The Jersey Boys.

What a great night!

Sherry, Big Girls Don't Cry, Walk Like a Man and lots more.

Did you know, that the BGees (from Brisbane) sent Frankie the music sound track for the movie 'Grease', and he (FV) wrote the words for the song!

If you want a great night out please consider if you like 1960's music, I know I do!

Rock & Roll, Twist, Jive, Limbo, Yes!



Thanks Angharad for the correction!

I re read the blurb on the 'Definitive Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons', and you are right.

In 1978 Gibb sent Frankie the tape of a tune called Grease which was intended as the soundtrack for a movie based on the stage show. The movie became a smash hit and the single that Frankie sang topped the US charts.\

Thanks for the info.


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
