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I've said it before, but I just have to say it again -- the new Random Solo feature is an absolute smash hit.

One of the features of BC that I absolutely love is the ability to quickly and easily edit your old stories. When I have an odd moment I often bring up one of my old stories and go through it looking for ways to improve the quality of the writing. Some I haven't read for years. It's like reading someone else's writing. I almost never change the plot, but I always find something to fix. Sometimes it's humbling to see how much needs attention.

Then I wonder -- does it really matter? Will anyone ever read the darned old thing?

Ever since Random Solo has started I've had dozens of votes and comments on old stories. Each of these is like that last Christmas gift that is found stuck way back under the tree long after everyone thought the gift opening was over. Every author I've chatted with about Random Solos think it's marvelous, because they've had the same experience I've had with votes and comments on old stories.

Erin has done so much to make this place special. Random Solo is just one more in a long line of features that allows readers and authors to interact -- which moves us all in the right direction.



It's frightening, isn't it?

Looking back at old stuff and forgetting it was ever created by you, I mean. It's like you were a different person, which you are both metaphorically and literally, considering that all your body cells get replaced over time. I've edited club magazines in the past and come across copies years later and found some of what I wrote was quite good - mind you, a lot was crap :)

The worst example was when I returned to work for a company I'd left only 3 years before. I was given a job to modify something I'd designed first time around and it was only because my name was on the drawings and written stuff that I accepted it was my work. I had no knowledge of it at all. Worse - I realised I wasn't as clever as the person who'd done the original design.

All fiction can be changed at a later reading but I suspect it's only opinion if the changes improve on the original. Using word processing to write makes tidy changes easy to do. Just think how difficult Jane Austen or Charles Dickens would find revising their work when the originals were hand written and the published work was hard print. Perhaps first thoughts are best after all and Jill's first thoughts are better than most.


Random Solo's

are a WONDERFUL idea, and well implemented.

The only thing to consider with them, is let the "get list" be under user control. Twice now, I saw two pieces I wanted to read in the list. The first time, I didn't realize the list refreshed EVERY time the page displays, so I tried to get back to it via the Back button... And, I couldn't find the story. The second time, I "right click" + "Open in other Tab/Window" so that the home page didn't refresh. But, I can see myself - late at night - forgetting.

Consider having the list set when the page is loaded the first time, and provide a button to refresh the list? (I know, more work.) I dunno if folks would find this helpful or not.

Hmm - tweaking old stories. I know mine need it. Maybe I should do that instead of writing new stuff. (I duck here, as the last time I suggested it, things got thrown at me.) No, a better idea would be to consolidate the 10 chapters of TRB into a single and re post it (fixing things) and retaining commentary somehow... If only there were enough hours in a day. For now, I'll just try to find time to keep my dozen projects going.

Again, yes - I LOVE the Random Solo. I look at it each time the page refreshes - before looking for any of the stories I follow. I also like the newish "list" of the last X stories posted. I vacillate between whether I want it to work just like it does and have it work like anchors - to jump to the teaser for the story.

Erin, thank you so much for this site and all you do to keep it fresh and useful!


Random Solo List Updating

erin's picture

The software works the way it works. I can set it to update every time it is loaded, or at some specified interval or each time the front page changes or update per member each time the member logs in. I chose the most frequent of those, it's more random that way. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I Like the Solo List too, Angela.

It's a superb feature. I've not gotten dozens of responses, but certainly a few,
and mine were equally well appreciated.

Something I appreciate as much, however, is that I really like the idea of being
able to catch a random one-shot story by just hitting the front page. I've
explained before, time is a real issue with me. Not only is this a very good way
to catch some stories that are the single stories I like to read, it also
allows me to read authors and stories that I've sadly missed. It's still just
a random sample of all the things that I'd love to be able to devote time to, but
it is, in my opinion, one of the best features Erin and company have come up with.

Kudos to whomever thought it up, and thanks to the guys who made it work.

I also have to agree with one other thing. I'm not the most careful writer, as
everyone can tell. I do love to tell stories though. I can only agree that I too
have never once looked at an old story of mine - no matter how many times I've
gone through it - and not found things that gave me pause. It is very humbling.
My only solace is that some of the goofs are pretty darned original, and required
a sort of talent all their own.

What's that line from Monk? [Writing.] "It's a gift, and a curse?"

Sarah Lynn

This feature

has given me a lot of pleasure. Thank you, Erin.



littlerocksilver's picture

I may be whipping a live horse here; however, this has been a great addition.



I agree, I've gotten quite a

KristineRead's picture

I agree, I've gotten quite a few additional, reads, votes, and even two comments now.

Thanks Erin!

