That's Enough (not a lecture)

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For those who have been following the November story challenge, I would like to remind everyone of the story "That's Enough", by Jan S., written in 2007.

I think this story fits the story challenge criteria beautifully. It's not a long story, and well worth reading.

Another thank you, Jan for creating it.

Carla Ann


Admittedly it's a bit abstract,

any time you give of yourself it's a gift to others. Usually though, there is a return gift.

If anyone is dense though, it's probably me.

I've got to admit...

that I did a double take when I read this, but - yeah - it fits the theme, I think, and in lot of different ways too

Plus, someone (besides me) doing a blog about one of my stories is a very great gift indeed.

Thank you, Carla Ann.

Hugs and joy, Jan