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I'm curious, has anyone heard anything about or from Ellen Hayes? This has been the longest interval in the story that I can remember.



Also concerned

I know that she was having financial stress and other RL issues, which is probably why she hasn't posted in a while. I hope she is OK. For the longest time, all my e-mails to her would bounce, so I stopped trying. I enjoy Tuck and miss the story a lot.


Concerned as well

I've only been following Tuck for about two years now, bvt her absence has me worried too. The notes showed 2 weeks in September!

Then again, it might just be me, but a lot of the TG fiction sites seem to be having trouble of one kind or another except BC. Sapphire's has been upgrading I think since July, Crystal's hasn't received a new story for a while (though it sometimes goes a while without updating anyways) and with FM being down, it almost feels like BC is all that is left, and Stardust.

Not the longest hiatus, I think...

Having just returned to Tuck after a multi-year hiatus myself, I think this isn't the first time Ellen has taken a break of this length. Still, I really hope she's OK, since she's been such an inspiration to me, and I am sure, to others